EMBA session 10th December 2022
Lazarus Heist
Consider the following questions:
Write your answers, share with your group and report back to the class.
Choosing a Strong Password
Try the following exercise:
- Go to https://www.lastpass.com/features/password-generator#generatorTool
- Generate an eight character long password with at least one number.
- Go to https://preshing.com/20110811/xkcd-password-generator/
- Generate a random word password by clicking Generate Another! at the top portion of the webpage.
- Go to https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/ and test the strength of password from steps 2 and 4.
Questions: Which is more memorable? Which is stronger? Should you use either website to generate your password
Password reuse
Have you been subject to a data breach?
What are the risks of being in a data breach if you reuse a password?
Make up a password that you have NEVER USED ANYWHERE, and see if it is in the database of pwned passwords:
How is this a problem if you have used one of these previously pwned ones ie reusing someone else's password?
Evaluating Password Storage Options
What are the costs and benefits of the following options:
- Writing it down or storing in a file on desktop
- Physically lock away password notes or use encryption
- Cloud-based password manager secured by a master password – lastpass or dashlane
- Browser-based password manager – chrome, firefox
- Single-sign on – Oauth with facebook, google mail etc.