My Graduate Students

I have had some really fine students. They include PhD students Guohua Wu, Catherine McCartin, Keng Meng (Selwyn) Ng Adam Day and Michael McInerney. Here are their theses.

  • Catherine's Thesis, Contributions to Parameterized Complexity, and
  • Guohua's Thesis Structural Properties of D.c.e. Degrees and Presentations of C.e. Reals.
  • Selwyn's Thesis Computability, Traceability and Beyond.
  • Adam's Thesis Randomness and Computability
  • Michael's Thesis Topics in Algorithmic Randomness and Computability Theory

    Adam, Guohua and Catherine each won the Hatherton Award of the New Zealand Royal Society for the best scientific paper by a student registered for the degree of PhD at any New Zealand University, published or accepted for publication either during their studies or within a year of the receipt of the PhD.

    Adam's Thesis won the Sacks Prize for the best PhD in logic worldwide for 2011. Subsequently, Adam won a Miller Fellowsip for this work. Michael was co-supervised with Noam Greenberg.

    I have also had some very bright MSc students, Stephanie Reid, John Fouhy, Michelle Porter (with Adam Day), Katherine Arthur, Matthew Askes; Ellen Hammatt (with Greenberg), Long Qian (with Greenberg) and Sapir Ben-Sahar (with melnikov). All recieved their MSc's with distinction.

  • John's Thesis, Computational Experiments on Graph Width Metrics, and
  • Stephanie's Thesis, A Class of Algorithmically Random Reals.
  • Michelle's Thesis, Aspects of Computable Analysis.
  • Katie's Thesis, Maximality in the alpha-c.e. degrees.
  • Ellen's Thesis, Collapse in a transfinite hierarchy of Turing degrees.
  • Long's Thesis, Computability-theoretic complexity of effective Banach spaces
  • Matthew's Thesis, Adversarial and Online Algorithms

    >Sapir's Thesis, Topics in Computability