I have had some really fine students. They include PhD students Guohua Wu, Catherine McCartin, Keng Meng (Selwyn) Ng Adam Day and Michael McInerney. Here are their theses.
Adam, Guohua and Catherine each won the Hatherton Award of the New Zealand Royal Society for the best scientific paper by a student registered for the degree of PhD at any New Zealand University, published or accepted for publication either during their studies or within a year of the receipt of the PhD.
Adam's Thesis won the Sacks Prize for the best PhD in logic worldwide for 2011. Subsequently, Adam won a Miller Fellowsip for this work. Michael was co-supervised with Noam Greenberg.I have also had some very bright MSc students, Stephanie Reid, John Fouhy, Michelle Porter (with Adam Day), Katherine Arthur, Matthew Askes; Ellen Hammatt (with Greenberg), Long Qian (with Greenberg) and Sapir Ben-Sahar (with melnikov). All recieved their MSc's with distinction.