Estate Khmaladze
Professor of Statistics, Fellow RSNZ, Fellow IMS, Foreign Member of the Georgian National Acad. Sci.
Office: CO534
Phone: +64 4 463 5652
- Some topics of research interest for students: Masters and PhD
Here is what I am engaged with now --
the work on Covid-19, as it evolved in New Zealand, and we do it together with Giorgi Kvizhindaze, who now is a Senior Analyst in Capity and Coast DHB; the text here will be updated from time to time, untill we arrive at the version, which will be published on paper.
The other thing is the project on the goodness of fit for Ornstein - Uhlenbeck processes; this work pushed me to reconsider the situation with stochastic integrals and formulate two wrong lemmas; will need to see what the Editor of the journal says... The lemmas are unusual but correct, and the paper is published
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