Open Calls (Events/special issues of interest to
networking researchers):
For students:
- Research topics for
students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies under
my supervision can be found here
-- please read the details carefully and contact me to
- Top international students considering PhD
studies in the School of Engineering and Computer
Science (ECS) in Victoria University of Wellington can
refer to VUW
PhD Study website
for details on the application process. If you are
interested in my research
areas and would
like to work with me, you can indicate that in your
application form. See here
for details.

- Dr.Eng. in
Applied Systems Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto,
Japan, 1997.
- M.Eng. in
Electrical Engineering, National University of
Singapore, 1993.
- B.Sc. in
Computer and Information Sciences, National University
of Singapore, 1987.

- James Cook Research Fellowship, for research
on quantum networking protocols and algorithms,
Royal Society of New Zealand, 2022.
- Best Paper Award, 42nd IEEE
Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Singapore,
October 9-11, 2017.
- Best Paper Award, 45th
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS), Maui, HI, USA, January 4-7, 2012.
- JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in
Japan, 2011, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
- Highly
Commended Paper Award, IEEE 22nd International
Conference on Advanced Information Networking and
Applications (AINA2008), March 25-28, 2008, GinoWan,
Okinawa, Japan.
- Visiting research professor under 21st
Century Center of Excellence Program of Japan, March
16-29, 2003, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan.
- Monbusho Postgraduate Scholarship awarded by the
Government of Japan, 1992-1995.
- Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Foundation for
C&C Promotion (NEC funded), 1996. Postgraduate
Research Scholarship, International Communication
Foundation (KDD funded), 1996.

Today's Internet needs to support untethered
communications, mobility, quality of service, sensing and
actuation, user-programmability and, most importantly,
sustainability through the use of renewable energy. My
research aims to meet those needs from the networking
protocols perspective, under the following broad areas:
5G Internet of Things (IoT)—Today's
Internet plays a critical role in 5G networks,
connecting not just computer systems but a plethora of
systems, devices, and objects, collectively
referred to as "Things", and encompasses technologies
for identification and tracking, sensing and actuation,
both wired and wireless communications, and also,
intelligence and cognition. We envisage the current
Internet to be extended by the IoT devices, as shown in
the following figure:
From the core to the IoT gateways, existing network
technologies are used with extensions to support new
traffic from the IoT. However, the IoT fabric requires
new communications and networking technologies, as much
as a total re-design of the networking architecture,
including following research areas (by no means
comprehensive) which are of interest to me:
- Resource
management and network anomaly detection in 5G
networks - 3GPP defines three
classes of traffic types to be supported in 5G
networks, viz. Ultra Reliable and Low Latency
Communications (URLLC), enhanced Mobile Broadband
(eMBB) and massive Machine Type Communications
(eMTC). To meet the requirements of 5G networks, new
novel resource management algorithms need to be
developed taking into consideration both
communication as well as computation resources from
the edge to the core networks. Another key
characteristic of 5G networks in the virtualization
of network functions or NFV. This research theme
looks into resource management in mobile edge
computing to support 5G network requirements. Due to
the introduction of new types of network devices and
corresponding traffic types, there is a critical
need to detect and handle anomalous traffic types
that are constantly introduced into the networks. We
adopt machine learning techniques and extend them
with the capability to learn on-the-fly in order to
respond to new threats promptly.
- Content and
Data Driven Networking (CD2N)
aims to route/send packets based on the content
rather than the destination address. This is a
variant of Named Data Networking and Content
Centric Networking, but aims to re-design the
entire routing fabric specifically for IoT devices.
- Wireless
Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy
Harvesting (WSN-HEAP)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are set to form a
significant part of the IoT. WSNs have traditionally
been powered by limited energy sources, viz.
batteries, limiting their operational lifetime. To
ensure the sustainability of WSNs, researchers have
turned to alternative energy sources for power.
Harvesting ambient energy from the environment to
power WSNs is a promising approach but energy
harvesting devices of the same footprint as wireless
sensors are unable to provide sufficient energy for
sustained operation. More likely, the energy
harvested over a period is only enough for a sensor
to sense and transmit a few packets. With such a
constraint, relaying data over multiple wireless
links to remote data acquisition systems is a
daunting challenge. My research interests lie in
designing coverage algorithms
for rare events sensing and reliable
data delivery protocols for networks and
systems powered by energy harvesting, e.g. Multi-Tier Probabilistic Polling,
sink-synchronized polling, event-driven MAC, etc.
Earlier, we did studies on
how energy harvesting affects the performance of
WSN MAC protocols, as well as the
impact of power control in such energy-harvesting
powered WSNs. Opportunistic
routing has also proven to be useful in WSNs
powered by energy harvesting by exploiting the
broadcast characteristic of wireless media.
Applications for such technology include long-term
in-situ integrity monitoring of critical
infrastructures and buildings using event-powered sensors, natural
resources and environmental monitoring, sensing for
agricultural applications, etc.
- Nano-scale Networks (NanoNets)
Electromagnetic-based Wireless Nano Sensor Networks
(EM-WNSNs) operating in the Terahertz band (0.1~10
THz) form the basis of nano-scale applications and
expand the scope of the Internet of Things (IoT) to
the Internet of Nano Things (IoNT). EM-WNSNs face
two major performance constraints arising from (i)
the frequency-selective channel in the THz band due
to molecular absorption and (ii) the limited ability
to support networking functions due to their small
size. To date, limited research on data delivery has
been done to address the peculiarities of EM-WNSNs
from the networking perspective. Our research aims
to develop the efficient data delivery mechanism for
EM-WNSNs that also account for the backhaul
bandwidth capacity from the IoT, e.g. Adaptive Pulse Scheduling (APIS)
as well as efficient on-demand polling and
forwarding (cf: Selection
Publications below.)
- Exploiting
Radio Irregularity for Detection, Monitoring and
Tracking (ERI-DMT)
Wireless communications, which is an integral part
of IoT, suffers from radio irregularity – a
phenomenon referring to radio waves being
selectively absorbed, reflected or scattered by
objects in their paths, e.g., human bodies that
comprises liquid, bone and flesh. Radio irregularity
is often regarded as a problem in wireless
communications but, with the envisioned
pervasiveness of IoT, we aim to exploit radio
irregularity as a means to detect the presence of
people, animals and other objects. Applications for
this technology, include motion/intrusion
detection for security and surveillance, automated people counting,
wildlife detection and tracking for determining
absolute abundance or pest control, vehicular
traffic monitoring, etc.
Communication Networks in Extreme Environments—The
use of wireless communications is swiftly extending
beyond networks for the average person to networks for
embedded devices, sensors and autonomous systems, as
well as networks for personnel in extreme
environments—underground, underwater and in disaster
- Robust
End-to-End Data Delivery Algorithms for Harsh
Environments (REDDAH)
A typical harsh environment is one where there is an
abundance of metallic structures, e.g. steel
supporting beams, which can adversely affect RF
signal propagation. In this work, we conduct
extensive field tests to study the effects of radio
propagation on the performance of wireless ad hoc
routing protocols. After understanding the
characteristics of the environment, we then design
protocols for the delivery of telemetry data from
sensors affixed to critical supporting structures.
Such data need to be transmitted to the data
acquisition system in realtime and error free. If
any of the sensors detect excessive stress,
qualified personnel must be notified immediately to
investigate. Other supplementary traffic include
video streaming from surveillance cameras, and ad
hoc measurements by structural engineers on the
ground. As part of our ongoing research, we have
developed a robust route selection algorithm (called
the δ-delay scheme; see HICSS-45 paper and also Med-Hoc-Net2006 paper for a
similar approach) and conducted capacity
analysis of ad hoc networks with end-to-end delay
- Communications
Architecture for Network of Unmanned Autonomous
Swarms (CANUAS)
The use of many small low-cost unmanned
air/ground/underwater vehicles (UAV/UGV/UUV or
collectively as UxV) working as a collective group
is a viable approach for surveillance and detection
of potential threats/obstacles in harsh
environments, e.g. underground, underwater, disaster
zones, and battlefields. Effective communication
mechanisms in such groups of unmanned vehicles
(UxVs) are a key requirement for their meaningful
deployment. A fully distributed communications
architecture is necessary for reliability and
robustness, especially since the communications
system needs to support both the transport of data
among the UxVs, as well as, commands that influence
the motion of the UxVs; the latter is very critical
for ensuring that the group of UxVs maintain
formation while performing their tasks, and the
commands must reach their desired destinations
(nodes) within the given time constraints, so that
the targeted nodes have sufficient time to act on
the command. An example scenario can be a UxV of the
group straying away and nearest UxVs transmitting
commands to direct it back towards the group. We
employ UAVs/UGVs/UUVs to
bridge communications links so that message
delivery can be assured and localization improved.
We focus on designing protocols that ensures
high-priority messages like motion commands are
given precedence to transmit over the wireless
medium. Given the stringent time constraints, a
time-scheduled mechanism appears to be a more viable
approach. We study the state-of-the-art in
networking schemes for such harsh environments, and
design a suitable scheme for swarm control and
- Cooperation
in multihop wireless networks—Traditional
networks are built to cooperate based on a mandatory
network communication semantic to achieve desirable
qualities such as efficiency and scalability. With
technological maturity and widespread technical
know-how, a different set of network problems
emerged - clever users try to alter network behavior
in a way to benefit themselves at the expense of
others. The problem is more pronounced in mobile ad
hoc networks (MANET) where network ownership can be
largely public. We focus on the problem of selfish
behavior as there is a potential for such behavior
to occur in emerging network scenarios, where
communication is envisaged to span multihop wireless
links, over nodes that may subscribe/belong to
different providers. While these (selfish) users
have no malicious intent to disrupt network
operations, they are rational users that are
sometimes constrained by resources that make them
less likely to cooperate. We apply game theory to
find a sustainable network behavior in such networks
where cooperation comes at a cost (see Selected
Publications.) We also propose a means to quantify the level of
selfishness/cooperation. We have also
developed a secure routing protocol (SEROP)
that achieves data confidentiality and secures the
routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks without
making any unrealistic assumptions.
Past research topics (some of which have evolved into
the above):
- Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) with emphasis
on quality of service (QoS) support and routing
protocols, focusing on mobility-enhanced lightweight
protocols and algorithms for command, control and
communication (C3) and sensing
applications in terrestrial and
networks; work on QoS started in 1998 and resulted
in the design of one of the first
models for mobile ad-hoc networks (see Selected
Publications.) Gave invited keynote
presentation on “Quality
of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – Myth or
Reality?” in the Australian
Telecommunication Networks and Applications
Conference (ATNAC2004), Dec 8-10, 2004, Swiss-Grand
Resort and Spa, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia.
Principal investigator of the TARANTULAS
project (The
All-terrain Advanced Network of Ubiquitous
which aims to design and develop a mobile ad hoc
networks routing protocol which would allow a group
of autonomously roving robots to communicate with
one another, discover and coordinate their functions
amongst themselves, via a common wireless medium, in
order to achieve a single common objective by
working as a team with minimal human input.involves
the design of a novel network architecture.
- Next generation Internet protocols with
emphasis on mobility, wireless connectivity, quality
of service, security, and authentication,
authorization and accounting. Some notable
contributions include the RSVP-Mobile IPv6
Interworking scheme that was proposed to the IETF
and received strong support from industry.

Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston KG
Seah and Deepak Singh, Performance Evaluation of
Equivalent Forwarding Sets in Software Defined
Networking, Journal of Network and Computer
Applications, available online on 9 January
Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Yuan-Cheng
Lai, Ying-Dar Lin and Winston KG Seah, Full
Encapsulation or Internal Buffering in OpenFlow based
Hardware Switches?, Computer Networks, Volume
167, 11 February 2020.
Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Yuan-Cheng
Lai, Ying-Dar Lin and Winston KG Seah, Analytical
Modeling of Software and Hardware Switches with
Internal Buffer in Software-Defined Networks, Journal
of Network and Computer Applications, Vol 136,
15 June 2019, Pages 22-37.
Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Yuan-Cheng
Lai, Ying-Dar Lin and Winston KG Seah, Modelling
Software-Defined Networking: Software and Hardware
Switches, Journal of Network and Computer
Applications, Vol 122, 15 November 2018, Pages
Q B Guo, Y Zhang, J Lloret, B
Kantarci and Winston KG Seah, A Localization Method
Avoiding Flip Ambiguities for micro-UAVs with Bounded
Distance Measurement Errors, IEEE Transactions on
Mobile Computing, 17 Aug 2018.
Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston KG
Seah, TTL-based Efficient Forwarding for Nanonetworks
with Multiple Coordinated IoT Gateways, IEEE
Internet of Things Journal, Vol 5, No 3, pp.
1807-1815, June 2018.
Daniel Burmester, Ramesh Rayudu and
Winston K.G. Seah, 'Use of Maximum Power Point
Tracking Signal for Instantaneous Management of
Thermostatically Controlled loads in a DC Nanogrid',
accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions
on Smart Grid, 4 May 2017.
- Che-Jung Hsu, Huey-Ing
Liu and Winston
K.G. Seah, 'Opportunistic
A Review and the Challenges Ahead', Computer Networks,
Vol 55, No 15, 27 October 2011, pp 3592-3603, available
online 13 July 2011.
- Z.A. Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah,
Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient
Energy Harvesting', Computer Networks, Vol 54, No 17, pp
2943-2966, 3 Dec 2010, Elsevier.
- S.K. Ng
and Winston
K.G. Seah, 'Game-Theoretic
Approach for Improving Cooperation in Wireless
Multihop Networks', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
B, Vol 40, No 3, June 2010, pp 559-574. [Earlier
version: 'Game-Theoretic
Model for Collaborative Protocols in Selfish,
Tariff-Free, Multihop Wireless Networks', Proceedings of IEEE
INFOCOM 2008, Apr 13-16, 2008, Pheonix,
Arizona, USA. (AR: <21%)]
- A.C. Valera, Winston
K.G. Seah and S.V. Rao, ‘Improving
Protocol Robustness in Ad hoc Networks Through
Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath
Routing’, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile
Computing, Vol 4, No 5, pp. 443-457, Sep/Oct
2005. [Earlier version: ‘Cooperative
Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath Routing in
Mobile Ad hoc Networks’, Proceedings of 22nd
Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and
Communications Societies (INFOCOM 2003), Mar
30-Apr 3, 2003. (AR<20%).]
Murugaraj Odiathevar, Winston KG
Seah and Marcus Frean, A Hybrid Online Offline System
for Network Anomaly Detection, Proceedings of the 28th
International Conference on Computer Communication and
Networks (ICCCN 2019), July 29 - August 1, 2019,
Valencia, Spain.
Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston
K.G. Seah and Lindsay Groves, 'Equivalent
Forwarding Set Evaluation in Software Defined
Networking', Proceedings of the 15th IFIP/IEEE
International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management, 8-12 May 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
Yuki Goto, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Bryan
Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Yutaka Takahashi,
'Queueing Analysis of Software Defined Network with
Realistic OpenFlow-based Switch Model', Proceedings
of the IEEE International Symposium on Modelling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 19-21
September, 2016, Imperial College, London, UK.
- D. Tomicek, Y.H. Tham,
Winston K.G.
Seah and R. Rayudu, 'Vibration-Powered
Wireless Sensor for Structural Monitoring During
Earthquakes', Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference on Structural
Health Monitoring of Intellingent Infrastructures
(SHMII-6), Hong Kong, 9-11 December 2013.
- M.Y. Cheng, Y.B.
Chen, H.Y. Wei and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Event-Driven
Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network for
Structural Health Monitoring', Proceedings of the 38th
Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(LCN), Sydney, Australia, 21-24 October 2013.
- N. Samian, Winston
K.G. Seah and A. Chen, "Quantifying
Selfishness and Fairness in Wireless Multihop Networks",
Proceedings of the
38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(LCN), Sydney, Australia, 21-24 October 2013.
- Winston K.G. Seah and J.
Olds, 'Data Delivery
Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network Powered by RF
Energy Harvesting', Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013. [Companion
paper on the hardware design is: J. Olds and Winston K.G. Seah,
'Design of an active radio
frequency powered multi-hop wireless sensor network',
Proceedings of the 7th
IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA), Singapore, July 18-20,
- Winston K.G. Seah, Alvin C. Valera,
Pius W.Q. Lee and Y. F. Wong, 'Topology
Skewing for Improved Route Selection in Wireless
Multi-Hop Networks', Best Paper Award,
Proceedings of the
45th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS-45),
Maui, HI, USA, January 4-7, 2012.
- Chisato Fujii and Winston K.G. Seah,
Probabilistic Polling for Wireless Sensor Networks
Powered by Energy Harvesting', Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Intelligent Sensors,
Sensor Networks and Information Processing
(ISSNIP 2011), Adelaide, Australia, Dec 6-9, 2011.
[Note: this is the first reported experimental study of
a multi-hop MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
powered by energy harvesting implemented on
commercial-off-the-shelf platforms.]
- W.C. Lin, Winston K.G. Seah
and W. Li, 'Exploiting
Radio Irregularity in the Internet of Things for
Automated People Counting', Proceedings of the 22nd
IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio
Communications (PIMRC), 11-14 September 2011,
Toronto, Canada.
- Pius W.Q. Lee, Winston K.G. Seah,
H.P. Tan and Z.X. Yao, 'Wireless
Sensing without Sensors -- an experimental study of
motion/intrusion detection using RF irregularity',
Measurement Science
and Technology, Special Issue on Wireless
Sensor Networks: designing for real-world deployment and
deployment experiences, Vol 21, No 12, Nov 2010, IOP.
[Earlier version: 'Wireless
Sensing Without Sensors -- An Experimental Approach',
Proceedings of the
20th IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor
and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sep
13-16, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.]
- Winston
K.G. Seah, Z.A. Eu, and H.P. Tan, 'Wireless
Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting
-- Survey and Challenges' (invited paper), Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace
& Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless
VITAE), May 17-20, 2009, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Z.A. Eu, Winston K.G. Seah
and H.P. Tan, 'A
study of MAC schemes for wireless sensor networks
powered by ambient energy harvesting', Proceedings of the 4th
Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet (WICON),
Nov 17-19, 2009, Hawaii, USA. [Extended version: Z.A.
Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Design
and Performance Analysis of MAC Schemes for Wireless
Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting',
Ad Hoc Networks,
Vol 9, No 3, May 2011, pp 300-323, Elsevier.]
- H.P. Tan, A Gabor, Winston K.G.
Seah and Pius W.Q. Lee, 'Performance
Analysis of Data Delivery Schemes for a Multi-sink
Wireless Sensor Network' (Highly Commended Paper
Award),Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International
Conference on Advanced Information Networking and
Applications (AINA2008), March 25-28, 2008,
GinoWan, Okinawa, Japan. (AR: 145/469 <
- I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Performance
Analysis of of mobility-based d-hop (MobDHop)
clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks',
Computer Networks, Vol 50, No 17, pp. 3375-3399. [Earlier version:
I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah,
d-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks’, Proceedings of IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, March
21-25, 2004, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.]
- M.Q. Xue, I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah,
of Clustering and Routing Overhead for Clustered
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, Proceedings of the 26th
International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS2006), July 4-7, 2006, Lisboa,
Portugal. (AR:
<14%) [original
submitted version]
- C. Liu and Winston K.G. Seah,
map forwarding for location-based multipath routing in
ad hoc networks', Proceedings of the IFIP 5th Annual
Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
(Med-Hoc-Net), Jun 14-16, 2006, Lipari, Sicily, Italy.
- I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Clustering
Overhead and Convergence Time Analysis of the
Mobility-based Multi-Hop Clustering Algorithm for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', Journal of Computer and
System Sciences, Special issue: Performance
modelling and evaluation of computer systems, Vol.
72, No. 7, Nov 2006, pp. 1144-1155,
Press, Inc. [Earlier version appeared in Proceedings of the 1st
International Workshop on Performance Modelling in
Wired, Wireless, Mobile Networking and Computing
(PMW2MNC05) (AR: 29 %)]
- J.X.
Zhang and Winston K.G. Seah, ‘Topology-based
Capacity Analysis for Ad Hoc Networks with End-to-End
Delay Constraints', Proceedings of the IEEE 6th CAS Symposium on
Emerging Technologies: Mobile and Wireless
Communications, May 31-June 2, 2004, Shanghai,
- L.Q. Yang, Winston
K. G. Seah and Qinghe Yin, ‘Improving
Fairness among TCP Flows crossing Wireless Ad Hoc and
Wired Networks’, Proceedings of 4th ACM
International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
and Computing (MobiHoc 2003), Jun 1-3, 2003. (AR:
H. Xiao, Winston K. G. Seah, A. Lo and
K.C. Chua, 'A
Flexible Quality of Service Model for Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks'. Proceedings of IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Spring),
15-18 May 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
- `Making Sense out of IoT
Non-Sense’, Invited Talk, IEEE/CIC International
Conference on Communications in China, 22-24 Oct 2017,
Qingdao, China.
- `Making Sense out of IoT
Non-Sense’, Keynote presentation, International
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference,
7-9 December 2016, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
- ‘An introduction to IoT -
a New Zealand view’, ITX 2016 Conference, 11-13 July
2016, Wellington, New Zealand.
- ‘Making Sense out of IoT
Non-Sense’, NZ IoT Innovation Forum, 18 May 2016,
Auckland, New Zealand.
- ‘VANETs - How SDN can
(cannot) help’, Invited Talk, 10th International
Conference on Information, Communications and Signal
Processing, 2-4 December 2015, Singapore.
- ‘QoS Classification in
the Internet of Things’, Invited Lecture, 21 February
2014, Faculty of Engineering, National Taipei University
(NTPU), Taipei, Taiwan.
- ‘QoS Classification in
the Internet of Things’, Invited Lecture, 19 February
2014, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU), Taipei,
- Wireless Multihop
Networks, Invited Lecture, 18 April 2012, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University
(FJUEE), Taipei, Taiwan.
- 'Application of
Discriminant Analysis for People Counting using Radio
Irregularity in Wireless Sensor Networks', Invited
Talk, International
Workshop on Urban Operations Research, Dec 17-18,
2011, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan.
- 'Information
& Communication Technology (ICT) Powered by Energy
Harvesting', Invited
Talk sponsored by Intel-NTU Connected Context
Computing Center, Apr 26, 2011, National Taiwan
- 'Information
& Communication Technology (ICT) Powered by Energy
Harvesting', Jan 12, 2011, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- 'Trends
and Challenges of Wireless Communication Networks in
Extreme Environments', Oct 28, 2010, New Zealand
Computer Society (NZCS), Wellington, New Zealand.
- 'Information
communication technology powered by energy harvesting',
Oct 4, 2010, Graduate School of Informatics, Shizuoka
University, Shizuoka, Japan.
- 'Wireless
Communication Networks in Extreme Environments :
Trends and Challenges', May 11, 2010, Inaugural
Professorial Lecture, Victoria University of Wellington.
- 'Home
of the Future and Environmentally-Friendly Sensing',
10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks (IWANN2009), Jun 10-12, 2009, Salamanca, Spain.
- 'Wireless
Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting',
Keynote presentation,
International Conference on Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Commumnications, and
Information Technology (ECTI-CON), May 6-9, 2009,
Pattaya, Thailand.
- 'Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by
Ambient Energy Harvesting', Regional Industrial
Networking Conference (RINC2008), Nov 6-7, 2008,
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore.
- 'Designing
Robust Wireless Sensor Networks for Urban Development',
Workshop on Urban Operations Research, Dec 22-23,
2007, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan.
- ‘Current networking and
routing protocols are shackles’, Cutting Edge
Communication Architecture Strategy Forum, Apr 13, 2007,
Future Systems Directorate, Ministry of Defence,
- 'Mobile
Sensor-Actuator Networks for Natural Disaster Warning
and Recovery', Euro-SouthEastAsia ICT Forum
(EUSEA2006), Jun 19-23, 2006, Singapore.
- 'Humans
speak IPv4, Machines speak IPv6’, Asia-Pacific
Telecommunity (APT) Workshop on IPv6, Feb 27-Mar
1, 2006, Langkawi, Penang, Malaysia.
- 'The
All-Terrain Advanced Network of Ubiquitous Mobile
Asynchronous Systems', Workshop on ICT for Natural
Disasters in conjunction with EuroThailand2005, Jun 6-7,
2005, Bangkok,Thailand.
- 'Quality
of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – Myth or
Reality?', Keynote
Presentation, Australian Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC2004), Dec
8-10, 2004, Swiss-Grand Resort and Spa, Bondi Beach,
Sydney, Australia.
- ‘IPv6 – THE Internet
Protocol’, Invited Talk, Singapore Industrial Automation
Association (SIAA), Industrial Infocomm Technology (I2T)
Business Get Together, 22 July, 2004.
- 'Status of IPv6 in
Singapore’, IPv6 Summer Retreat 2003, 23 Aug 2003, Lotte
Hotel Seoul-Jamsil, Seoul, Korea.
- ‘Voice Video with QoS
over IPv6’, Global IPv6 Summit in Asia-Pacific (held in
conjunction with APRICOT 2003), 24-26 Feb 2003, Taipei,
- ‘Mobile Ad Hoc
Networking: Issues and New Challenges”, half-day
tutorial in Personal Wireless Communications (PWC2002),
23-25 October 2002, Grand Hyatt, Singapore.
- ‘IPv6: The new Internet
tidal wave’, Global IP Carriers Asia 2002, 23-24 October
2002, Sheraton HK & Towers, Hong Kong.
- ‘IPv6 – Next Generation
Internet Protocol’, IP-VPN 2002, 12-13 August 2002, The
Oriental, Singapore.
- ‘IPv6 – This Generation
Internet Protocol’, SingAREN Seminar, August 2002,

- Area Editor, Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier (since
July 2019)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal
(since January 2019)
- Associate Editor, IET Electronics Letters (since March
- Associate Editor, IEICE Transactions on Communications
(since April 2017)
- Editor, Transactions on Internet and Information
Systems, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII).
(since 2013)
- Editorial Board Member, International
Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC),
InderScience Publishers. (since 2009)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Application-Oriented
Protocol Design for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”,
Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC).
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on Underwater Sensor
Networks: Technology and Theory, Journal of Ad Hoc and
Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC). (2011)
- Guest Editor, International Journal of Digital
Multimedia Broadcasting, Special Issue on P2P Multimedia
Social Networking and Communication Systems. (2009)
- Special Editorial Team, IEE Proceedings -
Communication, Special Issue on Wireless Mobile
Networks: Cross-Layer Communications. 2006/2007
Asia-Pacific IPv6 Task Force
(Founding and Steering Committee member), IPv6 Forum,
IETF, APAN, and iDA Infocomm Technology Roadmap.
- Telecommunications Standards Technical Committee
(TSTC), Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
(iDA), 2005.8.1-2008.7.31 (3-year term) and
- Industrial Infocomm Technology (I2T) IPv6
Interest Group Leader, Singapore Industrial Automation
Association (SIAA).
Conferences (since 2008)
- Award Co-Chairs, IEEE 26th International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA),
26-29 Mar 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
- General Co-chair, IEEE 25th International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA), 22-25 Mar 2011, Singapore.
- General Chair, 3rd International Workshop on
Underwater Networks (WUnderNet-2011),
22-25 Mar 2011, Singapore.
- General Chair, IEEE International Workshop on
Underwater Networks (WUnderNet),
23-27 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
- General Co-chair, Mobility Conference 2009, Sep 2-4,
2009, Nice, France.
- General Chair, 4th International Conference
on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2009),
July 29-31, 2009, Singapore.
- Technical Program Vice-Chair, Mobile Networks and
Applications Track, AINA2009, May 25-29, 2009, Bradford,
- General Chair, IEEE International Workshop on
Underwater Networks (WUnderNet), 26-29 May 2009,
Bradford, UK.
- Co-Chair, International Workshop on Theory,
Applications and Deployment issues in Ad hoc, Sensor and
Actuator networks (TADASA-2009), to be held in
conjunction with International Conference on Complex,
Intelligent and Software-Intensive Systems (CISIS-2009),
March 16~19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Technical Programme Committee Chair, Mobility
Conference, Sep 10-12, 2008, Ilan, Taiwan. [Mobility
Conference 2008 is organized by ACM Singapore Chapter
and proceedings will be published by ACM Digital
Library. (Acceptance ratio for Mobility Conference 2008
~ 33%.)]
- Vice-chair, 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing
Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2008), Jul 30-Aug
2, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Technical Program Vice-Chair, Communication Technology
and Protocols Track, AINA2008, Mar 25-28, 2008, GinoWan,
Okinawa, Japan.
Technical Program Committee Member
- 7th International Conference on Queueing Theory
and Network Applications (QTNA 2012), 1-3 August
2012, Kyoto, Japan.
- 4th International Conference on Communications,
Mobility, and Computing (CMC 2012) – Vehicular
Technology and Telematics Symposium, 21-23 May 2012,
Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin,
- 6th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater
Networks (WUWNet), 1-2 December 2011, Seattle,
Washington, USA.
- World Congress on Information and Communication
Technology (WICT) – Body Sensor Networks Track,
December 11-14, 2011, Mumbai, India.
- 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Systems (ICPADS) – Mobile Computing
Track, December 7-9, 2011, Tainan, Taiwan.
- International Conference on advanced intelligence
and awareness Internet (AIAI), October 28-20, 2011,
Shenzhen, China.
- 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer
Networks (LCN), October 4-7, 2011, Bonn, Germany.
- 6th International Conference on Queueing Theory
and Network Applications (QTNA2011), August 23-26,
2011, Seoul, Korea.
- 6th International Conference on Broadband and
Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications
(BWCCA), October 26-28, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
- 1st International Workshop on Bio-Sensing,
Processing, Application and Networking (BioSPAN), in
conjunction with BWCCA 2011, October 26-28, 2011,
Barcelona, Spain.
- 10th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking
Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), June 12-15, 2011, Favignana
Island, Sicily, Italy.
- 1st Workshop on Interworking and Interoperable
Networks and Services, in conjunction with ACM/IEEE
25th International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and Applications (AINA),
March 22 - 25, 2011, Biopolis, Singapore.
- International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Management and Communication (ICUIMC), 21-23 Feb
2011, Seoul, Korea.
- International Conference on Communication and
Signal Processing (ICCSP-2011), 10-12 Feb 2011,
Calicut, India.
- 12th IEEE International Conference on
Communication Systems (ICCS 2010), 17-20 Nov 2010,
- 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(LCN), 11-14 Oct 2010, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
- IEEE International Communications Conference
(ICC), 23-27 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa -
Multimedia Communications, Communication Software
and Services Symposium.
- 5th International Conference on
Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information
Processing (ISSNIP), Dec 7-10, 2009, Melbourne,
- Australasian Telecommunications Networks and
Applications Conference (ATNAC 2009), Nov 9-11,
2009, Canberra, Australia.
- 4th ACM International Workshop on
UnderWater Networks (WUWNet), in conjunction with
ACM SenSys 2009, Nov 3, 2009, Berkeley, California,
- 34th IEEE Conference on Local Computer
Networks (LCN2009), 20-23 October 2009, Zurich,
- IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC 2009) - Communications Software and Services
Symposium, Jun 14-18, 2009, Dresden, Germany.
- 3rd International Conference on
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2009),
Jun 4-6, 2009, Qingdao, China.
- 15th Annual IEEE International
Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC
2008), Dec 17-20, 2008, Bangalore, India.
- 11th IEEE International Conference on
Communications Systems (ICCS 2008), Nov 19-21, 2008,
Guangzhou, China.
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics (SMC 2008), Oct 12-15, 2008, Singapore.
- 4th IEEE International Conference on
Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob 2008), Oct 12-14, 2008,
Avignon, France.
- 2nd International Workshop on Under
Water Sensors and Systems (UNWAT 2008), August
25-31, 2008, Cap Esterel, France.
- 17th International Conference on
Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2008),
Wireless Platform: Applications and Testbeds Track,
Aug 4-7, 2008, Virgin Islands, USA.
- IADIS International Conference Wireless
Applications and Computing (WAC2008), July 22-27,
2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 4th International Conference on Mobile
Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU2008), June
11-13, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
- 5th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, June 23-25,
2008, Oslo University College, Oslo, Norway.
- 3rd International Workshop on
Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless
Networks (PAEWN’08), to be held in conjunction with
AINA2008, Mar 25-28, 2008, GinoWan, Okinawa, Japan.
- 2nd International Conference on
Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems
(CISIS-2008), Mar 4-7, 2008, Technical University of
Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.

Disclaimer: I am personally
responsible for any content and opinion posted on this
homepage. Victoria University of Wellington is not
responsible for any contents found on this homepage or
any opinion expressed herein.