- 2025 - 2026: . Faculty Strategic Research Grants, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$ $24,976 . (AI, Collaborator, with Fanglue Zhang as the PI)
- 2024 - 2025: Machine Learning for Emotion Unveiling in a Multidimensional World. The SHEADI Faculty Strategic Research Grants, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$ . (AI, Collaborator, with Qi Chen as the PI)
- 01 June 2023 - 31 May 2025: Interpretable Feature-based Transfer Learning. University Strategic Cross-Disciplinary Fund, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$48,733. (PI)
- 01 Jul 2023 - 30 Jun 2024: Evolutionary Machine Learning for Ice Sheet Modelling. The SHEADI Faculty Strategic Research Grants, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$28,002. (AI, Collaborator, with Hoai Bach Nguyen as the PI)
- Oct 2021 - Sep 2026: Enabling unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) to use tools in complex dynamic environments. MBIE Research Program. Grant: $9,837,002. (with UoC)
- Jan 2022 - 31 2023: Machine Learning for Discovery of Organic Solar Cell Materials, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$99,807. (AI, with Justin Hodgkiss as the PI)
- Feb 2022- Feb 2024: Evolutionary Explainable Artificial Intelligence. The SHEADI Faculty Strategic Research Grants, Victoria University of Wellington. Grant:$48,276.80. (AI, with Andrew Lensen as the PI)
- 2020-2023: Evolutionary Automated Design of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification. Marsden Fund of New Zealand. Grant: $707,000 (Sole PI)
- Oct 2020 - Sep 2025: Cyber-physical seafood systems: Intelligent and optimised green manufacturing for marine co-products (PFR, VUW, CI, Otago, Deakin). MBIE Endeavour Research Program Oct 2020-Sep 2025. Grant: $16,280,000. (RA/Theme Leader, Key Researcher)
- Oct 2020-Sep 2023 AI and Machine Learning for Medical Applications. Huayin Medical (Industry). Oct 2020-Sep 2023. Grant: $234,000. (Key Researcher)
- Oct 2020-Sep 2023 Bridging the gap between remote sensing and tree modelling with data science (Landcare, Scion, UoC, VUW). NZ-Singapore MBIE SSIF/Catalyst Fund on Data Science. Oct 2020-Sep 2023. Grant: $3,000,000. (AI, with Jan Schindler at Landcare)
- 2020-2027: A data-science driven evolution of aquaculture for building the blue economy (AI/ML Advanced Research and Applications to Aquaculture). MBIE SSIF Fund on Data Science, Grant: $13,000,000. (with Mengjie Zhang)
- 2019-2022: Precision Farming Technology for Aquaculture, National Science Challenge SfTI Spearhead. MBIE SSIF Fund on Data Science, Grant:$3,000,000 (Trench 1). (with Cawthron, UoA, UoC). VUW Grant: $512,300. ( with Mengjie Zhang)
- Jan 2020 - Dec 2021: Evolutionary Learning for High-dimensional Imbalanced Data Classification. University Research Fund. Grant: $62,006.36 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (Sole PI)
- 2019-2022: Evolutionary Ensemble Learning Based on Multimodal Swarm Intelligence. National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2019-2022. Grant: 640,000 RMB.(Overseas PI, Collaboration with Prof. Jing Liang is PI in China)
- Jan 2019 - 2020: Development of an emotional arousal sensitive brain activity pattern (EMAP). University Research Fund Grant: $56856.20 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (CO-PI)
- July 2017-2020: Large-scale Evolutionary Feature Selection for Classification. Marsden Fund of New Zealand. Grant: $300,000 (Sole PI)
- 2017: Evolutionary computation for data mining. Zhengzhou University Overseas Strategic Research Collaboration Grant: $100,000RMB. Agreement signed in Feb 2017.(Overseas PI, Collaboration with Prof. Jing Liang)
- June 2017 - 2018: Novel Approaches to High-dimensional Symbolic Regression. University Research Fund Grant: $32,187.72 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (Sole PI)
- May 2017 - May 2019: GP-based data fusion and the application for image restoration. Overseas Collaboration Funding in State Key Lab in Software Engineering at Nanjing University. Grant: $40,000 RMB. (Main AI, A/Prof. Lin Shang is the PI)
- April 2017- Dec 2017: Computational approaches for finding new natural product antibiotics. Spearheading Digital Futures (SDF) Grant (Continued): $5000 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (PI, Collaboration with Jeremy Owen in School of Biological Sciences and Elf Eldridge in School of Engineering and Computer Science)
- 2016-2018: Face/Object Recognition and Feature Construction by New Genetic Programming and Deep Transfer Learning Techniques. Huawei Industry Grant: $330,000 (for the first two years) (the PI)
- June 2016- Dec 2016: Computational approaches for finding new natural product antibiotics. Spearheading Digital Futures (SDF) Grant: $5000 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (PI, Collaboration with Jeremy Owen in School of Biological Sciences and Elf Eldridge in School of Engineering and Computer Science)
- 2016 - June 2017: Evolutionary Computation for Feature Selection in Large-Scale Data Mining. University Research Fund Grant: $21,413.14 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (Sole PI)
- 2015-2016: Evolutionary Dimensionality Reduction. Research Establishment Grant: $10,000.00 NZD. Victoria University of Wellington (Sole PI)
- 2014-2016: Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Programming. Overseas Collaboration Funding in State Key Lab in Software Engineering at Nanjing University. 2014-2016. Grant: $30,000 RMB. (Main AI, A/Prof. Lin Shang is the PI)
- 2012-2015: Conditional outlier detection in Massive Data (using rough sets, granular computing, evolutionary computation techniques). National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2012-2015. Grant: $550,000 RMB. (Main AI, A/Prof. Lin Shang is the PI )
- 2011-2013: Feature Manipulation Based on Evolutionary Computation and Rough Sets Methods. Overseas Collaboration Funding in State Key Lab in Software Engineering at Nanjing University. 2011-2013. Grant: $40,000 RMB. (Main AI, A/Prof. Lin Shang is the PI)
- 2020: Researche Excellence Award, Victoria University of Wellington
- 2019: Best Paper Award,the 22th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2019): Andrew Lensen, Bing Xue, and Mengjie Zhang. "Can Genetic Programming Do Manifold Learning Too?"
- 2018: Supervisor Award, PGSA, Victoria University of Wellington
- 2017: Early Career Research Award, Victoria University of Wellington
- 2017: Best Paper Award, the 11th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning 2017 (SEAL 2017): Harith Al-Sahaf, Bing Xue, and Mengjie Zhang. "A Multitree Genetic Programming Representation for Automatically Evolving Texture Image Descriptors"
- 2016: Best Student Paper Award, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES2016):
Cao Truong Tran, Mengjie Zhang, Peter Andreae, Bing Xue and Lam Thu Bui."Multiple Imputation and Ensemble Learning for Classification with Incomplete Data"
- 2015: EvoStar Conference Travel Award (EUR 500) (Only one in NZ)
- 2014: Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad ($6000 USD), China Scholarship Council, January 2014 (for the 2013 round, only 500 out of 130,000 PhD students studying overseas and across all disciplines)
- 2014: EvoStar Conference Travel Award (EUR 500) (Only one in NZ)
- 2013: PhD Doctoral Completion Award, Victoria University of Wellington ($6000 NZD, complete PhD within 3 years)
- 2013: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Student Travel Award ($800 USD) (Only one in NZ)
- 2013: EvoStar Conference Travel Award (EUR 500) (Only two in NZ)
- 2013: Faculty Strategic Research Grant from VUW ($3000 NZD)
- 2012: ACM GECCO Student Travel Award ($400 USD)
- 2012: Faculty Strategic Research Grant from VUW ($3000 NZD)
- 2010: Marsden Fund Scholarship ($5000 NZD)
- 2010: Victoria Doctoral Scholarship (Fully funded, $21K NZD p.a. for three years plus tuition fee)
- 2010: Master Graduation Award, Shenzhen University
- 2009: First-class Scholarship of Excellent Master Student at Shenzhen University
- 2009: Best Paper Award from 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computation
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