Matt Visser: Curriculum Vita
Matt Visser
Professor of Mathematics
School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Victoria University
PO Box 600
New Zealand
Voice: 64-4-463-5115
Department: 64-4-463-5341
FAX: 64-4-463-5045
- B.Sc. (Physics) 1976;
- B.A. (Mathematics) 1977;
- B.Sc. Hons. [first class] (Mathematics and Physics) 1978;
- M.Sc. [with distinction] (Mathematics) 1981;
at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
- M.A. (Physics) 1981;
- Ph. D. (Physics) 1984;
at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Lorentzian Wormholes - from Einstein to Hawking.
AIP Press; hardback 1995; paperback 1996; reprinted 1997 and 2002. - Artificial Black Holes (edited by Mario Novello, Matt Visser, Grigori Volovik).
World Scientific, October 2002.
- Fulbright-Hays scholar, 1978.
- Faculty Associate Award, 1982; at U.C. Berkeley,
(for superior performance as a Teaching Associate).
- Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition
Second Prize 1986 (with Professor I. Bars), for our essay:
Feeble Forces and Gravity.
- Quantum physics under unusual conditions:
- External gravitational fields.
- External constraints.
- External environments.
Professional Experience:
- Postdoctoral research (1984 to 1987),
at the University of Southern California.
- Postdoctoral research (1987 to 1989),
at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- Senior Research Associate (1989 to 1991),
at Washington University.
- Research Assistant Professor (1991 to 1998),
at Washington University. - Research Associate Professor (1998 to 2002),
at Washington University.
- Reader in Mathematics (2002 to 2005),
at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- Professor of Mathematics (from 1 January 2006),
at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Other information:
HomepagePublication List
Research Interests
Book: Lorentzian Wormholes---from Einstein to Hawking
Book: Artificial Black Holes
Horizon: The Time Lords
Exit routes:
To my personal homepageTo my standardized departmental homepage
To the Mathematics Department Page
Last updated 5 July 2002