Matt Visser: Book
Artificial Black Holes
edited by Mario Novello, Matt Visser, and Grigori Volovik

Brief Description:
Physicists are pondering the possibility of simulating black holes in the laboratory by means of various "analog models". These analog models, typically based on condensed matter physics, can be used to help us understand general relativity (Einstein?s gravity); conversely, abstract techniques developed in general relativity can sometimes be used to help us understand certain aspects of condensed matter physics. This book contains 13 chapters - written by experts in general relativity, particle physics, and condensed matter physics --- that explore various aspects of this two-way traffic.
Table of contents:
- Introduction and Survey (M Visser)
- Acoustic Black Holes in Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensates (L Garay)
- Slow Light (U Leonhardt)
- Black Hole and Baby Universe in a Thin Film of 3He-A (T Jacobson & T Koike)
- Measurability of Dumb Hole Radiation? (W Unruh)
- Effective Gravity and Quantum Vacuum in Superfluids (G Volovik)
- Emergent Relativity and the Physics of Black Hole Horizons (G Chapline, B Laughlin, D Santiago)
- Quasi-Gravity in Branes (B Carter)
- Towards a Collective Treatment of Quantum Gravitational Interactions (R Parentani)
- Role of Sonic Metric in Relativistic Superfluid (B Carter)
- Effective Geometry in Nonlinear Field Theory (Electrodynamics and Gravity) (M Novello)
- Non-Inertial Quantum Mechanical Fluctuations (H Rosu)
- Phonons and Forces: Momentum versus Pseudomomentum (M Stone)
- Coda (M Visser)
- Appendix: Elements of General Relativity (M Visser)
Publisher information:

World Scientific.
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Horizon: The Time Lords
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