Matt Visser: Book
The Kerr spacetime: rotating black holes in general relativity
edited by David Wiltshire, Matt Visser, and Susan Scott

Brief Description:
Rotating black holes, as described by the Kerr space-time, are the key to understanding the most violent and energetic phenomena in the Universe, from the core collapse of massive supernova explosions producing powerful bursts of gamma rays, to supermassive black hole engines that power quasars and other active galactic nuclei. This book is a unique, comprehensive overview of the Kerr space-time, with original contributions and historical accounts from researchers who have pioneered the theory and observation of black holes, and Roy Kerr's own description of his 1963 discovery. It covers all aspects of rotating black holes, from mathematical relativity to astrophysical applications and observations, and current theoretical frontiers. This book provides an excellent introduction and survey of the Kerr space-time for researchers and graduate students across the spectrum of observational and theoretical astrophysics, general relativity, and high-energy physics.
Table of contents:
- Part I. General Relativity: Classical Studies of the Kerr Geometry:
- 1. The Kerr spacetime: a brief introduction Matt Visser;
- 2. The Kerr and Kerr-Schild metrics Roy P. Kerr;
- 3. Roy Kerr and twistor theory Roger Penrose;
- 4. Global and local problems solved by the Kerr metric Brandon Carter;
- 5. Four decades of black hole uniqueness theorems David C. Robinson;
- 6. Ray-traced visualisations Benjamin R. Lewis, Susan M. Scott;
- Part II. Astrophysics: The Ongoing Observational Revolution:
- 7. The ergosphere and dyadosphere of the Kerr black hole Remo Ruffini;
- 8. Supermassive Black Holes Fulvio Melia;
- 9. The X-ray spectra of accreting Kerr black holes Andrew C. Fabian, Giovanni Miniutti;
- 10. Cosmological flashes from rotating black holes Maurice H.P.M. van Putten;
- Part III. Quantum Gravity: Rotating Black Holesat the Theoretical Frontiers:
- 11. Horizon constraints and black hole entropy Steve Carlip;
- 12. Higher dimensional generalizations of the Kerr black hole Gary T. Horowitz;
- Part IV. Appendices:
- 13. Gravitational field of a spinning mass ... Roy P. Kerr;
- 14. Gravitational collapse and rotation Roy P. Kerr;
Publisher information:

Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521885126 [22 January 2009]
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Horizon: The Time Lords
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