Matt Visser: Book
The Elegant Universe of Albert Einstein
Awa Press, Wellington, 2006

Brief Description:
``Leading New Zealand scientists and historians on the greatest revolution in modern science.''
Based on the Radio New Zealand Year of Physics Lecture series of 2005,
sponsored by the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Chapters by: Tom Barnes, Paul Callaghan, Hamish Campbell, Lesley Hall, Richard Hall,
Robert Hannah, John Stenhouse, Matt Visser.
Introduction by Rebecca Priestley.
My chapter:
A short history of the Universe.
Fifteen page survey of the evolution and eventual death of our Universe.
See pages 13--28.
Based on the lecture entitled:
"Star birth and star death --- the crucible of life".
Table of contents:
- Introduction (Rebecca Priestley)
- A short history of the Universe (Matt Visser)
- Discovering the age of the Earth (Hamish Campbell)
- Einstein and the eternal railway carriage (Lesley Hall and Richard Hall)
- Schrodinger's cat (Tom Barnes)
- Journey to the heart of matter (Paul Callaghan)
- The unconquered sun (Robert Hannah)
- Galileo's dilemma (John Stenhouse)
Publisher information:

Awa Press, 16 Walter Street, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Other information:
Research Interests
Horizon: The Time Lords
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