Here is the preliminary timetable, indicating who will be speaking when.
More details as they come to hand.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | ||
0845 - 1015 |
Andreas Dress | Neil Robertson | Terry Speed |
Richard Stanley | Karl Broman | Lior Pachter | |
1030 - 1130 |
Martin Grohe | Tandy Warnow | Richard Stanley |
Mike Hallet | Mike Hallet | Karl Broman | |
1145 - 1245 |
Tandy Warnow | Paul Seymour | Neil Robertson |
Martin Grohe | Terry Speed | Tandy Warnow | |
1900 - 2000 |
Andreas Dress | Martin Grohe | Paul Seymour |
Lior Pachter | |
Like other combinatorial structures, the so-called X-trees much studied in phylogenetic analysis also have many rather distinct, yet perfectly equivalent descriptions. They can be described:
While proving the corresponding "crypto-isomorphism theorems" (i.e. the equivalence of those various descriptions) is not very hard, the point of keeping all those concepts in mind when dealing with phylogenetic analysis is that
The lecture will provide a review of the various combinatorial concepts mentioned above and discuss how these concepts and, in particular, their various relaxations are related with each other.
Based on the previous lecture, the evening lecture will deal specifically with recent progress regarding "quartet analysis" and "rank-based methods in biological data analysis".
Terry suggests weeks 7 and 8 of http://www.stat.Berkeley.EDU/users/terry/Classes/s246.2002/index.html as background reading.
Richard Stanley's overall title is An introduction to generating functions. He intends to cover:
However, he is currently undecided as to how to allocate the topics over his two lectures.
He suggests that the closest paper to the topic is his own paper, "Generating Functions", in Studies in Combinatorics (G.-C. Rota, ed.), Mathematical Association of America, 1978, pp 100-141, or (for the very keen) his books, Enumerative Combinatorics, volumes 1 and 2.
Karl suggests the following background readings:
Mathematics of Gene Finding and Alignment
Lior Pachter plans to talk about hidden Markov models and their applications to gene finding and alignment.
His first talk (more introductory) will survey the basics of alignment and gene finding, highlighting interesting connections to combinatorics.
The second talk will go more in detail into comparative genomics and current research on probabilistic methods for alignment, gene finding, and phylogeny (time permitting) using HMMs.
Logic, Graph Theory and Complexity
In this talk we address a statistical aspect of the performance of phylogeny reconstruction methods -- namely, the number of sites (i.e. the sequence length) needed for the method to reconstruct the true tree with high probability. We present results showing that standard polynomial time methods will reconstruct the true tree given sequences of lengths that are exponential in the largest evolutionary distance in the tree. We then describe new methods (some developed in collaboration with Mike Steel) which reconstruct the true tree with high probability from polynomial length sequences. These methods are graph-theoretic, and exploit chordal graph theory to obtain their performance guarantees.
A beautiful graph theory question, "triangulating colored graphs", turns out to be the foundation of the inference of evolutionary history of languages. Here we will present the theory, describe both combinatorial and graph theoretic algorithms to solve this problem, and describe our analysis of the Indo-European family of languages.