SSI Template Instructions

A server side include page can be created using my header and footer files by following the three sections below. Setting searchbox and customlinks values to 1 will turn them on, 0 off. Anything quotes(") in the links variable must be escaped, i.e. \".


General Tips

If you insert a file called README in a directory under your public_html that does not contain a index.html or index.shtml the text in the README file will be displayed at the bottom of the directory listing given for that page. For example, see the text at the bottom of directory.

Header stuff

<!--#set var="title" value="SSI page template" -->                <!--page title-->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="SSI, header, footer" -->           <!--META keywords-->
<!--#set var="description" value="SSI header and footer page" --> <!--META description-->
<!--#set var="author" value="Daniel Ballinger" -->                <!--META author-->
<!--#set var="h1" value="SSI Page Template" -->                   <!--Top level document heading-->
<!--#set var="h1_link" value="index.shtml" -->                    <!--Top level document heading icon link-->
<!--#set var="h1_image" value="images/fish.png" -->               <!--Top level document heading icon-->
<!--#set var="auth" value="1" -->                                 <!--Set Auto Redirect MCS user authentication: 0 (OFF) 1 (ON)-->
<!--#set var="log" value="1" -->                                  <!--Set log hits: 0 (OFF) 1 (ON)-->
<!--#set var="redirect" value="<!-- Redirect not required -->" --> <!--Redirect meta if required-->

<!--#include virtual="/~elvis/db/head.shtml" -->


<p>Page content. Blah Blah.</p>

Footer stuff

Note: for any custom page links, start with a <hr> and remember to escape quotes.

<!--#set var="links" value="<hr> <p><a href=\"test.shtml\">Test Page</a></p>" -->
<!--#set var="contacts" value="contacts.html" -->                 <!--Page author contact url-->
<!--#set var="searchbox" value="1" -->                            <!--Set MCS search: 0 (OFF) 1 (ON)-->
<!--#set var="customlinks" value="1" -->                          <!--Set MCS custom links: 0 (OFF) 1 (ON)-->
<!--#set var="authentication" value="1" -->                       <!--Set MCS user authentication links: 0 (OFF) 1 (ON)-->
<!--#include virtual="/~elvis/db/footer.shtml" -->

Last updated 26-Jul-2006, Contact Page Author.