Thomas Kühne
Associate Professor    
Room  Cotton 233
Phone  +64 4 463 5443
Fax  +64 4 463 5045
School of Engineering and                    
Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
P. O. Box 600, Wellington 6140
New Zealand (Courier Address & Location)

Since November 2007 Thomas has been an Associate Professor at the Victoria University of Wellington. Before that he was an Assistant Professor at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, an Acting Professor at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Mannheim and the Technische Universität Darmstadt, a researcher at the University of Kaiserslautern and a Lecturer in Computing at Staffordshire University.

He is an editor for the Springer journal Software and Systems Modeling from which he received a ten year most influential regular paper award. He also received two ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper awards. Thomas was a PC Co-Chair for MODELS 2023, the general chair for MODELS 2011, organised the inaugural SoSyM Theme Issues on Metamodeling, and Multi-Level Modeling, and co-organised Dagstuhl Seminar 17492 "Multi-Level Modelling". He is a steering committee member of the MULTI workshops series that celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2023.

Research Interests

Thomas' research interests include (multi-level- / meta-) modelling, and model-driven development.


Thomas was inspired to a brief science-fiction mystery when he was thinking about metalevels for one of his courses. He came up with the "No Shortcuts" paradox when strolling through the streets of Darmstadt, Germany.


Doctoral Thesis
A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design


COMP103 - Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms, (course pages)
SWEN225 - Software Design, (course pages)
COMP304 - Programming Languages, (course pages)
COMP313 - Computer Game Development, (course pages)
SWEN424 - Model-Driven Development, (course pages)
SWEN431 - Advanced Programming Languages, (course pages)

I contribute to the Software Engineering specialisation of the Bachelor of Engineering offered by the Faculty of Engineering.

I am a co-editor of the Special Issue: "Multi-Level Process Challenge" of the International Journal of Conceptual Modeling.

Past Events (only complete up to 2011, many ommissions after that year)

I am a Program Board member for
MODELS 2024   
22-27 September

I was PC Co-Chair for
MODELS 2023  
1-6. October
I was co-editor for the

I was co-publicity chair for
MODELS 2020  
16-23 October

I was co-publicity chair for
MODELS 2019  
15-20 September

I was program board member for

I was co-editor for the

I was the General Chair for
New Zealand
I was the panel chair for
Oslo, Norway
I was the PC chair (foundations track) for
ECMFA 2010
15-18 June
Paris, France
I was a program committee member for
ICMT 2010
Malaga, Spain
I was the editor for the
I was a program committee member for
SLE 2009
4-9 October.
Denver, USA
I was a program committee member for
4-9 October.
Denver, USA
I was a program committee member for
EDOC 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
I was a program committee member for
ICMT 2009
Zurich, Switzerland
I was a program committee member for
SLE 2008
Toulouse, France
I was a program committee member for
Toulouse, France
I was a program committee member for
EDOC 2008
Munich, Germany
I was Co-General and Co-Program Chair for
Modellierung 2008
Berlin, Germany



A number of theses topics from my general research area are available from the B.Sc. Honours up to the Ph.D. level. Please contact me if you are interested to work on topics such as "Deep Java", "Dependent Types", "Architecture Stratification", "Domain-Customized Languages", "Model-Driven Development".

Good students (GPA of A- or above) can apply for the following scholarships:


The best way to fully understand something is to teach it to someone.
— TK

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Academics do both.
— Edith Wharton (first sentence only)

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
— Arthur Koestler

The best thing about science isn't that it knows, it's that it learns.
— TK

The single cause of all incorrect analyses is a single cause assumption.
— TK


Java, the best argument for Smalltalk since C++. — unknown
Java is the agonisingly slow attempt to catch up with the past. — TK
Smalltalk wins a "Dynamic Language Shootout" competition.
Not convinced yet? Go on a tour to Squeak or have a look at some of the available (free) Smalltalk books.

RPL (Reverse Polish Lisp) is a great language for programmable calculators. I'm still using my HP-28S (HP museum pages) and thanks to Christoph Gießelink's Emu42 emulator I can also use it on the computer.

These pages are under construction. You may want to browse my former group pages at the Technische Universität Darmstadt.

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