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The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology:
Celebrating Stephen Hawking's 60th Birthday
by G. W. Gibbons (Editor), E. P. S. Shellard (Editor), S. J. Rankin (Editor)

Table of Contents:
- Preface;
List of contributors;
- 1. Introduction;
Part I. Popular Symposium:
- 2. Our complex cosmos and its future. Martin J. Rees;
- 3. Theories of everything and Hawking's wave function of the Universe. James B. Hartle;
- 4. The problem of space-time singularities: implications for quantum gravity? Roger Penrose;
- 5. Warping spacetime. Kip Thorne;
- 6. 60 years in a nutshell. Stephen W. Hawking;
Part II. Spacetime Singularities:
- 7. Cosmological perturbations and singularities. George F. R. Ellis;
- 8. The quantum physics of chronology protection. Matt Visser;
- 9. Energy dominance and the Hawking-Ellis vacuum conservation theorem. Brandon Carter;
- 10. On the instability of extra space dimensions. Roger Penrose;
Part III. Black Holes:
- 11. Black hole uniqueness and the inner horizon stability problem. Werner Israel;
- 12. Black holes in the real universe and their prospects as probes of relativistic gravity. Martin J. Rees;
- 13. Primordial black holes. Bernard Carr;
- 14. Black hole pair creation. Simon F. Ross;
- 15. Black holes as accelerators. Steven Giddings;
Part IV. Hawking Radiation:
- 16. Black holes and string theory. Malcolm Perry;
- 17. M theory and black hole quantum mechanics. Joe Polchinski;
- 18. Playing with black strings. Gary Horowitz;
- 19. Twenty years of debate with Stephen. Leonard Susskind;
Part V. Quantum Gravity:
- 20. Euclidean quantum gravity: the view from 2002. Gary Gibbons;
- 21. Zeta functions, anomalies and stable branes. Ian Moss;
- 22. Some reflections on the status of conventional quantum theory when applied to quantum gravity. Chris Isham;
- 23. Quantum geometry and its ramifications. Abhay Ashtekar;
- 24. Topology change in quantum gravity. Fay Dowker;
Part VI. M Theory and Beyond:
- 25. The past and future of string theory. Edward Witten;
- 26. String theory. David Gross;
- 27. A brief description of string theory. Michael Green;
- 28. The story of M. Paul Townsend;
- 29. Gauged supergravity and holographic field theory. Nick Warner;
- 30. 57 varieties in a NUTshell. Chris Pope;
Part VII. de Sitter Space:
- 31. Adventures in de Sitter space. Raphael Bousso;
- 32. de Sitter space in non-critical string theory. Andrew Strominger;
- 33. Supergravity, M theory and cosmology. Renata Kallosh;
Part VIII. Quantum Cosmology:
- 34. The state of the universe. James B. Hartle;
- 35. Quantum cosmology. Don Page;
- 36. Quantum cosmology and eternal inflation. A. Vilenkin;
- 37. Probability in the deterministic theory known as quantum mechanics Bryce de Witt;
- 38. The interpretation of quantum cosmology and the problem of time. J. Halliwell;
- 39. What local supersymmetry can do for quantum cosmology. Peter D'Eath;
Part IX. Cosmology:
- 40. Inflation and cosmological perturbations. Alan Guth;
- 41. The future of cosmology: observational and computational prospects. Paul Shellard;
- 42. The ekpyrotic universe and its cyclic extension. Neil Turok;
- 43. Inflationary theory versus the ekpyrotic/cyclic scenario. Andrei Linde;
- 44. Brane (new) worlds. Pierre Binetruy;
- Appendix:
- 45. Publications of Stephen Hawking.
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