John Andreae was born in 1927 in the Himalayan hill station Mussoorie in India. His primary schooling was in England but secondary schooling back in India because of World War II. He graduated B.Sc.(Eng) in 1948 in Electrical Engineering at Imperial College, London and went on to PhD (1955). He was married to Molly Clare Wilkinson (a New Zealander from Dunedin) in 1953. His research under Professor John Lamb was studying chemical reactions in liquids by means of ultrasonic waves at frequencies of a few megahertz. This research led to his getting a job at the Akers Research Laboratories of Imperial Chemical Industries in Welwyn, Herts, where he continued the research up to nearly a gigahertz and down to a few hundred cycles. He became head of the Physics Department of the Laboratories.

When ICI closed the Akers Research Laboratories in 1961, John found a new job and a new career at the Standard Telecommunication Laboratories in Harlow, Essex. Starting as "the electronic simulation of cerebral functions", the research soon became machine learning with the invention of his first learning machine STeLLA, named after the Laboratories. The design for STeLLA was published in 1963 at the Conference of the International Federation on Automatic Control in Basle, Switzerland, and in 2 patents with Peter L. Joyce. Much of STeLLA was constructed by Peter out of relays (See picture in section About Purr-Puss), but the unreliability of those relays led to its physical realization being abandoned and later research being based on computer simulation.

In 1966 an opportunity to become Senior Lecturer in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, was snapped up. Two years later he found himself Professor Andreae, but administrative responsibilities proved such an impediment to research that in 1972 he requested release from them and was allowed to become Reader. In the same year protracted discussions with John G Cleary and other postgraduate students bore fruit in a new learning system, called PURR-PUSS. The first book on this system was published in 1977, the second in 1998. John Andreae's research and that of his postgraduate students was published in a series of Reports to the Defence Scientific Establishment of New Zealand (ISSN 0110 1188) from 1972 to 1991. Retired by the University in 1992, he continues his research towards a conscious robot, and is Professor Andreae again!

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Published Papers

1. J.Lamb, J.H.Andreae & R.Bird (1948): Absorption and Dispersion of Ultrasonic Waves in Acetic Acid. Nature v162 pp993-6.

2. J.H.Andreae & J.Lamb (1951): Ultrasonic Relaxation Processes in Pure Liquids. Proc.Phys.Soc vB64 pp1021-1031.

3. John Lamb & John H.Andreae (1951): Ultrasonic Viscosity and Relaxation Effects in Liquids. Colloquium over Ultrasonore Trillingen. pp48-56.

4. J.Lamb & J.H.Andreae (1951): Ultrasonic Absorption in Carbon Disulphide. Nature v167 pp898-901.

5. J.H.Andreae & J.Lamb (1956): Ultrasonic Relaxation Theory for Liquids. Proc.Phys.Soc. vB69 pp814-822.

6. J.H.Andreae, E.L.Heasell & J.Lamb (1956): Ultrasonic Relaxation of Carbon Disulphide. Proc.Phys.Soc. vB69 pp625-632.

--- lost references of 2 papers to Wireless World about here ---

7. J.H.Andreae (1957): Ultrasonic Relaxation in Methylene chloride. Proc.Phys.Soc. vB70 p71.

8. J.H.Andreae, P.L.Joyce & R.J.Oliver (1960): Ultrasonic Relaxation in Liquid Methylene Chloride. Proc.Phys.Soc. vB75 p82.

9. J.H.Andreae, C.Jupp & D.G.Vincent (1960): Compressional Relaxation with a Tuning Fork. J.Acous.Soc. America v32 no3 pp406-7.

10. J.H.Andreae & P.D.Edmonds (1961): Two Megacycle Ultrasonic Interferometer. J.Sci.Instruments v38 p508.

11. J.H.Andreae & P.D.Edmonds (1961): Developments in the Techniques for Measuring Ultrasonic Absorption in Liquids. Proc.3rd Int.Congress on Acoustics. Elsevier, pp556-8.

12. J.H.Andreae, P.D.Edmonds & P.L.Joyce (1961): Compressional Relaxation in Liquids. Proc.3rd Int.Congress on Acoustics. Elsevier. pp542-4.

13. J.H.Andreae & P.L.Joyce (1962): 30 to 230 Megacycle Pulse Technique for Ultrasonic Absorption Measurements in Liquids. Brit.J.Appl.Physics v13 pp462-7.

14. J.F.McKellar & J.H.Andreae (1962): Ultrasonic Relaxation in a Micellar System: n-Octylamine-Water. Nature v195 pp865-7.

15. J.H.Andreae, P.D.Edmonds & J.F.McKellar (1965): Ultrasonic Studies of Aqueous Solutions of Non-electrolytes. Acustica v15 no2 pp74-88.

16. J.H.Andreae (1963): STeLLA: A Scheme for a Learning Machine. Proc.2nd IFAC Congress, Basel, 1963. In Automation and Remote Control, ed.Broida, Butterworths.(1969) p.503.

17. B.R.Gaines & J.H.Andreae (1966): A Learning Machine in the Context of the General Control Problem. Proc.3rd IFAC Congress, London.

18. J.H.Andreae (1969): Learning Machines: A Unified View. Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, Information and Control. ed.Meetham. Pergamon Press. pp 261-270.

19. J.H.Andreae & P.M.Cashin (1969): A Learning Machine with Monologue. Int.J.Man-Machine Studies v1 pp1-20.

20. J.H.Andreae, R.W.Platts, N.J.Gale & K.D.Henderson (1972): Developing an Interactive Aid for School Timetabling. Proc.3rd Nat.Conf. of N.Z. Computer Society. Dunedin. pp181-202.

21. J.H.Andreae, G.A.Cox & M.R.Sloane (1972): Modelling and Simulation. 12th Science Congress. Royal Society of New Zealand. Lecture No.10 and Abstract.

22. J.H.Andreae (1973): Intelligent Identification of Signals from an Unknown Source. National Electronics Conference, Christchurch. (Reproduced in Man-Machine Studies, report no. UC-DSE/2(1973)).

23. J.H.Andreae & J.G.Cleary (1976): A New Mechanism for a Brain. Int.J.Man-Machine Studies v8 no1 pp89-119.

24. J.H.Andreae (1978): PURR-PUSS: Computer Simulation of a Teachable Machine. SAGSET J. v8 no4 pp123-133.

25. P.M.Andreae & J.H.Andreae (1979): A Teachable Machine in the Real World. Int.J.Man_Machine Studies v10 pp301-312.

26. J.H.Andreae (1978): Descriptive and Prescriptive Names. Commentary on "The Command Neuron Concept" by Kupfermann and Weiss. Behavioral and Brain Sciences v1 no1 pp11-12.

27. J.H.Andreae (1978): AI: Another Defence of the Field. Commentary on "Computational Models and Empirical Constraints" by Pylyshyn. Behavioral and Brain Sciences v1 no1 p100.

28. J.H.Andreae (1978): On Inference from Input/Output. Commentary on "The Nature and Plausibility of Cognitivism" by Haugeland. Behavioral and Brain Sciences v1 no2 pp226-227.

29. J.H.Andreae (1979): Brain Model: A Bridge from Psychology to Physiology. 9th Annual Meeting of Soc.for Neurosciences, Atlanta, Georgia. Paper 1026.

30. J.H.Andreae and P.M.Andreae (1979): Machine Learning with a Multiple Context. Proc.Int.Conf. on Cybernetics and Society (IEEE), Denver. pp734-9.

31. J.H.Andreae (1979): Book review rejoinder. Alberta J.Educ.Res. v25 no3 pp204-205.

32. B.A.MacDonald & J.H.Andreae (1981): The Competence of a Multiple Context Learning System. Int.J.Gen.Systems v7 pp123-137.

33. J.H.Andreae & B.A.MacDonald (1981): Learning with Finite Automata. AISB Quarterly no40-41 pp29-30.

34. J.H.Andreae (1986): Purposeful Computer Systems. Proceeding of the First Int.Conf. on Future Advances in Computers, held in Christchurch, NZ, 16-21 Feb.1986. Published in 1987 by Dept of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

35. J.H.Andreae (1987): Expert System for a Robot Body. Proc.IPENZ Ann.Conf., Christchurch, N.Z. 10-14 May 1987. vol2 pp.287-298.

36. J.H.Andreae (1987): Design of a Conscious Robot. Metascience vol.5 pp.41-54.

37. J.H.Andreae (1988): Seeking Excellence: A Robot That Knows What It Is Doing. Proc.25th New Zealand National Electronics Conference (NELCON '88). Christchurch. 31 Aug - 2 Sept, 1988. pp.46-51.

38. S.Panchavinin & J.H.Andreae (1989): Computer Aids for Teaching Electrical Circuit Theory. Proc. 11th N.Z.Computer Conference, Wellington 16-18 Aug. pp.93-105.

39. J.H.Andreae & B.A.MacDonald (1991): Expert Control for a Robot Body. Kybernetes v.20 no.4 pp.28-54.

40. J.H.Andreae (1992): Robots Need to be Conscious. Commentary on Bridgeman: Plans and the Structure of Consciousness. Psycoloquy v3 no17. psyc.92.3.17.consciousness.2.andreae

41. Catherine I. Watson and John H.Andreae (1992): A Test to Assess the Remedial Worth of a Computer-Based Speech Therapy Aid. Proc. 4th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Brisbane, 1-3 December. pp.279-284.

42. John H.Andreae, Shaun W.Ryan & Mark L.Tomlinson (1993): Structure from Associative Learning. In. From Animals to Animats 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB92), ed.J.-A.Meyer, H.L.Roitblat & S.W.Wilson. MIT Press. p.512. (Summary)

43. A.A.Dingle, J.H.Andreae & R.D.Jones (1993): A Chaotic Neural Unit. Proc.IEEE Int.Conf. on Neural Networks, San Francisco, pp.335-340

44. J.H.Andreae & S.W.Ryan (1994): Associative Learning and Task Complexity. Commentary on P.M.Greenfield "Language, tools and brain: the ontogeny and phylogeny of hierarchically organized sequential behavior." BBS 14:531-595. Behavioral and Brain Sciences vol.17 no2 pp.357-358. June.

45. John H. Andreae (1993): Brains, Neural Networks and Expert Systems. Proceedings of the First New Zealand International Two-Stream Conference on Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ed.Nikola K.Kasabov. Invited introductory paper. pp.3,4 Dunedin 24-26 November, 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.

46. Shaun W. Ryan & John H. Andreae (1993): Learning Sequential and Continuous Control. Proceedings of the First New Zealand International Two-Stream Conference on Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ed. Nikola K.Kasabov. pp.302-305. Dunedin 24-26 November, 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.

47. Alison A. Dingle, John H. Andreae and Richard D. Jones(1993): The Chaotic Self-Organizing Map. Proceedings of the First New Zealand International Two-Stream Conference on Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ed. Nikola K.Kasabov. pp.15-18. Dunedin 24-26 November, 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.

48. Shaun W. Ryan & John H. Andreae (1995)(accepted 23sep92): Improving the Performance of Kanerva's Associative Memory. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.6 no1 pp.125-130 January.

49. John H. Andreae, Shaun W. Ryan, Mark L. Tomlinson & Peter M. Andreae (1993): Structure from Associative Learning. Int.Journal of Man-Machine Studies. vol.39 pp.1031-1050.

50. John H. Andreae: What to look for in a Conscious Robot. Proc. Australian and New Zealand Conf. on Intelligent Information Systems, 1993 ANZIIS-93. Perth, W.Australia, 1-3 Dec 1993. pp.639-643.

51. John H. Andreae: Painted Vision and Robot Planning. Proc. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Conf. on Intelligent Information Systems, 1994 ANZIIS-94. Brisbane, Australia, 29 Nov-2 Dec 1994. pp.387-391.

52. Steven R.Muir, Richard D.Jones, John H.Andreae, Ivan M.Donaldson (1995): Measurement and Analysis of Single and Multiple Finger Tapping in Normal and Parkinsonian Subjects. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, vol.1 (2) pp.89-96. Elsevier.

53. John H Andreae: The Future of Associative Learning. Proc. 2nd New Zealand Int. Two-stream Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ANNES'95, Dunedin, 1995. pp.194-197

54. John H Andreae: Imagine that You are the Brain in a Robot! Proc. ICONIP'97 Dunedin 24-28 Nov.1997. pp.923-6.

55. John H Andreae: A Robot Brain with Mediating States. Commentary on target article entitled "In Defense of Representation as Mediation" by Arthur B.Markham & Eric Dietrich in psycoloquy.98.9.48.representation-mediation.1.markham, PSYCOLOQUY vol.9 no.59 (1998) psycoloquy.98.9.59.representation-mediation.5.andreae 25 Oct 1998

56. Paul R.Davidson, Richard D.Jones, Harsha R.Sirisena, John H. Andreae, Ivan M.Donaldson, Peter D.Neilson: Nonlinear Inverse Control Applied to the Adaptive Theory of Human Purposive Movement. Proc. Ann. Meeting of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, ACPSEM (NZ Branch) 26-27 Nov 1998, Christchurch. 1, pp.12-13.

57. Paul R.Davidson, Richard D.Jones, Harsha R.Sirisena, John H. Andreae, Peter D.Neilson: Evaluation of a nonlinear generalization of the adaptive model theory. Proc. First Joint Meeting of the BMES/EMBS, Atlanta, GA, 1, 392 (1999)

58. Paul R.Davidson, Richard D.Jones, Harsha R.Sirisena, John H. Andreae, Peter D.Neilson: A neurobiologically motivated generalization of the adaptive model theory of human voluntary movement to the control of nonlinear systems. Proc. First Joint Meeting of the BMES/EMBS, Atlanta, GA, 1, 535 (1999)

59 John H. Andreae: The Human Brain is No Program. Commentary on Green on AI-Cognitive Science. Psycoloquy vol.11, issue 096, article 23, (2000) pages 1-3. or

60 Paul R. Davidson, Richard D. Jones, Harsha R. Sirisena, and John H. Andreae: Evidence for inverse models in the human nervous system. Human Movement Science, vol.19, pp.761-795 (2000).

61 Paul R. Davidson, Richard D. Jones, John H. Andreae, Harsha R. Sirisena: Modeling Human Open-loop Tracking Behavior. submitted June 2001 to EMBS conference in Turkey.

62 Paul R. Davidson, Richard D. Jones, John H. Andreae, Harsha R. Sirisena: Detecting Adaptive Inverse Models in the Central Nervous System. submitted June 2001 to EMBS conference in Turkey.

63 John H Andreae: Can Learning Take Us Past Programs to Consciousness. (Abstract of Invited Talk) Proc. 5th Biannual Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ANNES2001, November 2001, Dunedin. p.11.

64 John H Andreae: A Microworld for Robot Awareness. Proc. 5th Biannual Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, ANNES2001, November 2001, Dunedin. pp.207-212.

65 Davidson PR, Jones RD, Sirisena HR, Andreae JH: Simulating closed- and open-loop voluntary movement with nonlinear Adaptive Model Theory (nAMT). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. (in press - June 2002).


J.H.Andreae (1977): Thinking with the Teachable Machine. Academic Press. ISBN: 0-12-060050-1

John H. Andreae (sept 1998): Associative Learning for a Robot Intelligence. Imperial College Press (World Scientific Publ.Co., Singapore). ISBN:1-86094-132-X.

Patents: J.H.Andreae & P.L.Joyce (1965): Learning Machine. Brit.Patents 1011685-7.


John Andreae can be contacted at: John Andreae

All cat line drawings © Gillian M Andreae