Day 2: Thursday 13 December 2007 AFTERNOON |
13:45 |
Plenary Speaker: Assaf Naor MCLT103 Chair: Ruth Charney
The Story of the Sparsest Cut Problem
Group Theory, Actions & Computation 1 (MCLT103) Chair: R Blyth |
Matroids, Graphs, and Complexity 2 (MCLT102) Chair: J Oxley |
Water Wave Scattering Focusing on Wave-Ice Interactions 1 (COLT122) Chair: M Meylan |
Geometric Numerical Integration 1 (CO118) Chair: R Quispel |
University Mathematics Education 2 (CO119) Chair: |
Infinite-Dimensional Groups & Their Actions 1 (CO216) Chair:A Dooley/S Morris |
General Contributions 4 (CO228) Chair: R Beatson |
14:50 |
Ruth Charney
Partially symmetric automorphisms of free groups |
Henry Crapo
Simplicial maps, and the generic rigidity matroid |
Alison Kohout
An elastic plate model for wave scattering in the marginal ice zone |
Laurent O. Jay
Butcher trees and curve search in nonlinear optimization |
William McCallum
Secondary mathematics from an advanced standpoint |
Sidney A. Morris
The structure of connected pro-Lie groups |
Michael Tuite
Vertex operator algebras on genus two Riemann surfaces |
15:15 |
Gareth L. Vaughan
Scattering and damping of ice coupled waves |
John Butcher
G-symplectic general linear methods |
Christopher Atkin
Isometries of infinite-dimensional Riemannian manifolds |
V.Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam
Fuzzy translation invariant topological spaces |
15:40 |
Afternoon Tea: Maclaurin foyer |
16:00 |
Gerhard Rosenberger
The Tits alternative for sherical generalized tetrahedron groups |
Rhiannon Hall
Chain-type and splitter-type theorems for cocircuits and hyperplanes in 3-connected matroids |
Malte A. Peter
Time-dependent water waves incident on a vertical elastic plate |
Yousaf Habib
Symplectic methods with transformations |
G. Arthur Mihram
Three attributes of tertiary-level mathematical education to one's society and its advancement of science |
Hendrik Grundling
On group algebras for non-locally compact groups |
Andrew Percy
Cohomology cross-cap products |
16:25 |
Benjamin Fine
On some finiteness properties in infinite groups |
Thomas Britz
Matroids applied to coding theory |
Luke Bennetts
Wave scattering by a periodic line array of axisymmetric ice floes |
Dion O'Neale
Geometric integration, high oscillation and resonance |
Bill Barton
Revisiting Felix Klein's “Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint” |
Stefano Ferri
Groups acting on Banach spaces |
Driss Drissi
On bounded sequences and applications to invariant subspace
Postponed: new time TBA |
16:50 |
Gunter Steinke
Old and new on the universal covering group of SL(2, R) |
Peter Humphries
A basis exchange property for matroids |
Michael Meylan
Simulation of near-trapping time-dependent water wave problem |
Klas Modin
On explicit adaptive symplectic integration of separable Hamiltonian systems |
Round Table Discussion What mathematics studies are essential for secondary level mathematics teachers?
Christian Rosendal
Generic representations of finitely generated groups |
Jacek Krawczyk
A viability theory approach to a two-stage optimal control problem |
17:15-17:40 |
Early evening break |
Robert McLachlan
Achieving Brouwer's law of round-off error |
Vladimir Pestov
A footnote to the property (FH) |
Early evening break |
17:40-18:15 |
Early evening break |