Recent Publications
Lindsay Groves and Steve Reeves (Editors).
Proceedings of Formal Methods Pacific '97.
Springer-Verlag, Singapore, 1997.
Lindsay Groves and Ivan Tuckwell.
``An Editor for Refinement Structure Diagrams.''
In Proceedings of Formal Methods Pacific '97.
James Noble, Robert Biddle and Lindsay Groves.
``The Evolution of Tarraingim.''
Proc. 21st Australasian Computer Science Conference, Springer-Verlag,
1998, pp307-318.
Lindsay Groves.
``Adapting Program Derivations using Program Conjunction''.
International Refinement Workshop and Formal Methods Pacific 1998,
Canberra, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Lindsay Groves.
``Conjoining Derivations of Loops and Recursions in the Refinement Calculus''.
New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium 1999, Auckland, New
Zealand, to appear.
Lindsay Groves, Raymond Nickson, Greg Reeve, Steve Reeves and Mark Utting.
``Improving Software using Requirements Formalisation''.
Proc. Fifth New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium,
Neil Leslie (Ed),
Massey University at Albany, IIMS Technical Report 99-1, pp35-38.
L. Groves, R. Nickson, G. Reeve, S. Reeves and M. Utting.
``A survey of software requirements specification practices in the New Zealand
software industry''.
Proceedings ASWEC 2000: Australian Software Engineering Conference 2000. (ed.)
D. D. Grant. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 189-201.
(Also Working Paper 99/8, Department of Computer Science, University of
Waikato, 1999.)
Lindsay Groves.
``Modifying Program Derivations using Program Disjunction''.
Proceedings of the Sixth New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium,
Christchurch, 23 August, 2000, University of Canterbury, pp35-46.
P. Krishnan (ed), TR-COSC 01/00, Department of Computer Science, UofC.
Lindsay Groves.
``A Formal Approach to Program Modification''.
Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference,
Singapore, 5-8 December, 2000, IEEE Computer Society, pp 274-281.
Lindsay Groves.
``Program Specialisation in the Refinement Calculus''.
Proceedings of the Eigth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference,
Macau, 4-7 December, 2001, IEEE Computer Society, pp29-36.
Keith Bauer, Lindsay Groves, Ray Nickson and Mark Moir,
Machine-Assisted Reasoning about Concurrency and Dynamic Memory,
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Mathematical and Computing
Sciences, Technical Report (draft), December, 2001.
Lindsay Groves.
``Refinement and the Z Schema Calculus''.
REFINE'02, Copenhagen, July, 2002.
Lindsay Groves.
``A Formal Approach to Program Evolution''.
Workshop on Evolutionary Formal Software Development EFSD-02,
Copenhagen, July, 2002.
Also see list of
technical reports.