Creating Custom Genes

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Preface: Please note that this documentation could be correlated to a former JGAP version. Therefore we recommend having a look at the examples provided with JGAP and then read this document in order to get an idea.

Genes represent the discrete components of a problem solution (chromosome) that can vary independently of each other throughout the evolution process. Just as genes control various independent features within our own genetic makeup, such as sex or eye color, so too do genes in JGAP control various aspects of the overall makeup of a solution. JGAP comes with a couple of standard Gene implementations that are useful for genes that are to be represented with boolean or integer values. But many applications can benefit from more specialized representations, and that's where custom gene implementations can come in handy. They're also easy to create, as we'll soon see.

How Genes are Used

First, let's talk about what genes are and how genes are created and used by JGAP. Simply put, a gene represents some characteristic of a solution that can be varied indepedently from the other characteristics of that solution. For example, let's assume that a solution (chromosome) represents a pile of American change. Then the genes in that solution might represent the various coin denominations that make up the pile, such as quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The value of those genes (called alleles) would be the actual number of coins of each respective denomination present in that particular solution. In JGAP, genes are represented by classes that implement the Gene interface. Each gene in a chromosome may use a different Gene implementation to manage its values, but those implementations must be consistent across chromosomes. For example, if gene number 1 in chromosome A is using a particular implementation, say a QuarterGene, then gene number 1 in all other chromosomes in that population must also use a QuarterGene. But Gene number 2 in all of those chromosomes may be using some completely different implementation, such as a DimeGene. Of course, all of the genes in a Chromosome may also use the exact same Gene implementation if that's desirable.

You convey your desired Gene settings to JGAP by creating a sample Chromosome instance that is setup just the way you want all of the chromosomes in your population setup. You then pass that sample Chromosome to the active Configuration object. Each time JGAP needs to create a new Chromosome, it will reference the sample Chromosome to see how it's set up, and then will setup the new Chromosome exactly like it. In fact, JGAP actually takes advantage of a newGene() method in each of the Gene instances in the sample Chromosome to create the new Gene instances for the new Chromosome. So to create the Gene for gene number 1 in the new Chromosome, JGAP will invoke the newGene() method on gene number 1 of the sample chromosome. For gene number 2, it will invoke the newGene() method on gene number 2 of the sample Chromosome, and so on. This guarantees that the new Genes can be setup exactly like the Genes in the sample Chromosome.

QuarterGene: an Example

As an example of a custom Gene implementation, we'll create a QuarterGene class which could be used to represent the number of quarters in a pile of change. Before diving in, we should say that if we were implementing this in the real world, we would have extended the IntegerGene class to save ourselves most of the effort. But since this is supposed to be a demonstrative example, we'll implement it here from scratch. First the code:

package hypothetical.examples;

import org.jgap.*;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * A Gene that can be used to represent the quarters in a pile of change.
 * An optional maximum number of quarters may be provided, in
 * which case the value (allele) of this Gene will never exceed that
 * maximum.
public class QuarterGene extends BaseGene implements Gene,
    private static final String TOKEN_SEPARATOR = ":";

    private int m_maxNumberOfQuarters;
    private Integer m_numberOfQuarters;

     * Constructs a new QuarterGene with no maximum number of quarters that
     * can be represented (other than Integer.MAX_VALUE, of course).
    public QuarterGene(Configuration a_conf) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        this(a_conf, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

     * Constructs a new QuarterGene with a constraint on the maximum number
     * of quarters that may be represented by this QuarterGene.
     * @param a_maxNumberOfQuarters The maximum number of quarters that this
     *                              QuarterGene may represent. This value
     *                              must be non-negative.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given maximum value is negative.
    public QuarterGene(Configuration a_conf, int a_maxNumberOfQuarters ) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Make sure the given maximum is non-negative.
        // --------------------------------------------
        if( a_maxNumberOfQuarters < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The maximum number of quarters must be non-negative." );

        m_maxNumberOfQuarters = a_maxNumberOfQuarters;

     * Provides an implementation-independent means for creating new Gene
     * instances. The new instance that is created and returned should be
     * setup with any implementation-dependent configuration that this Gene
     * instance is setup with (aside from the actual value, of course). For
     * example, if this Gene were setup with bounds on its value, then the
     * Gene instance returned from this method should also be setup with
     * those same bounds. This is important, as the JGAP core will invoke this
     * method on each Gene in the sample Chromosome in order to create each
     * new Gene in the same respective gene position for a new Chromosome.
     * It should be noted that nothing is guaranteed about the actual value
     * of the returned Gene and it should therefore be considered to be
     * undefined.
     * @return A new Gene instance of the same type and with the same
     *         setup as this concrete Gene.
    public Gene newGeneInternal( ) {
      try {
        // We construct the new QuarterGene with the same maximum number
        // of quarters that this Gene was constructed with.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        return new QuarterGene(getConfiguration(), m_maxNumberOfQuarters);
      } catch (InvalidConfigurationException ex) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(ex.getMessage());

     * Sets the value of this Gene to the new given value. The actual
     * type of the value is implementation-dependent.
     * @param a_newValue the new value of this Gene instance.
    public void setAllele( Object a_newValue )
        m_numberOfQuarters = (Integer) a_newValue;

     * Retrieves the value represented by this Gene. The actual type
     * of the value is implementation-dependent.
     * @return the value of this Gene.
    public Object getAllele()
        return m_numberOfQuarters;

     * Sets the value of this Gene to a random legal value for the
     * implementation. This method exists for the benefit of mutation and other
     * operations that simply desire to randomize the value of a gene.
     * @param a_numberGenerator The random number generator that should be
     *                          used to create any random values. It's important
     *                          to use this generator to maintain the user's
     *                          flexibility to configure the genetic engine
     *                          to use the random number generator of their
     *                          choice.
    public void setToRandomValue( RandomGenerator a_numberGenerator )
        // Pick a random number between 0 and the maximum number
        // of quarters we're allowed to represent.
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        m_numberOfQuarters = new Integer(
            a_numberGenerator.nextInt( m_maxNumberOfQuarters) );

     * Retrieves a string representation of the value of this Gene instance
     * that includes any information required to reconstruct it at a later
     * time, such as its value and internal state. This string will be used to
     * represent this Gene instance in XML persistence. This is an optional
     * method but, if not implemented, XML persistence and possibly other
     * features will not be available. An UnsupportedOperationException should
     * be thrown if no implementation is provided.
     * @return A string representation of this Gene's current state.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException to indicate that no implementation
     *         is provided for this method.
    public String getPersistentRepresentation()
                  throws UnsupportedOperationException
        // We want to represent both the maximum number of quarters that
        // can be represented by this Gene and its actual current value.
        // We'll separate the two with colons.
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        return new Integer( m_maxNumberOfQuarters ).toString() +
                   TOKEN_SEPARATOR + m_numberOfQuarters.toString();

     * Sets the value and internal state of this Gene from the string
     * representation returned by a previous invocation of the
     * getPersistentRepresentation() method. This is an optional method but,
     * if not implemented, XML persistence and possibly other features will not
     * be available. An UnsupportedOperationException should be thrown if no
     * implementation is provided.
     * @param a_representation the string representation retrieved from a
     *                         prior call to the getPersistentRepresentation()
     *                         method.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException to indicate that no implementation
     *         is provided for this method.
     * @throws UnsupportedRepresentationException if this Gene implementation
     *         does not support the given string representation.
    public void setValueFromPersistentRepresentation( String a_representation )
                throws UnsupportedOperationException,
        // We're expecting to find the maximum number of quarters that this
        // Gene can represent, followed by a colon, followed by the actual
        // number of quarters currently represented.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( a_representation,
                                                         TOKEN_SEPARATOR );
        // Make sure there are exactly two tokens.
        // ---------------------------------------
        if( tokenizer.countTokens() != 2 )
            throw new UnsupportedRepresentationException(
                "Unknown representation format: Two tokens expected." );

            // Parse the two tokens as integers.
            // ---------------------------------
            m_maxNumberOfQuarters = Integer.parseInt( tokenizer.nextToken() );
            m_numberOfQuarters = new Integer( tokenizer.nextToken() );
        catch( NumberFormatException e )
            throw new UnsupportedRepresentationException(
                "Unknown representation format: Expecting integer values." );

     * Executed by the genetic engine when this Gene instance is no
     * longer needed and should perform any necessary resource cleanup.
    public void cleanup()
        // There's no cleanup necessary for this implementation.
        // -----------------------------------------------------

     * Compares this Gene with the specified object for order.  Returns a
     * negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less
     * than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. The given object
     * must be a QuarterGene.
     * @param   a_otherQuarterGene the Object to be compared.
     * @return  a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
     *              is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's type prevents it
     *         from being compared to this Object.
    public int compareTo( Object a_otherQuarterGene )
        // If the other allele is null, we're bigger.
        // ------------------------------------------
        if( a_otherQuarterGene == null )
            return 1;

        // If our allele is null, then we're either the same as the given
        // QuarterGene if its allele is also null, or less than it if
        // its allele is not null.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        if( m_numberOfQuarters == null )
            if ( ((QuarterGene) a_otherQuarterGene).m_numberOfQuarters == null )
                return 0;
                return -1;

        // Otherwise, we just take advantage of the Integer.compareTo()
        // method.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        return m_numberOfQuarters.compareTo(
            ( (QuarterGene) a_otherQuarterGene ).m_numberOfQuarters );

     * Determines if this QuarterGene is equal to the given QuarterGene.
     * @return true if this QuarterGene is equal to the given QuarterGene,
     *         false otherwise.
    public boolean equals( Object otherQuarterGene )
        return otherQuarterGene instanceof QuarterGene && 
               compareTo( otherQuarterGene ) == 0;

     * Calculates the hash-code for this QuarterGene.
     * @return the hash-code of this QuarterGene
    public int hashCode()
        return m_numberOfQuarters;

    public Object getInternalValue() {
        return m_numberOfQuarters;

    public void applyMutation(int a_index, double a_percentage) {

Hopefully most of the methods and code in the example above are pretty self-explanatory once the javadocs and comments are consulted. We start off with a couple of constructors, one of which lets the user specify an upper bound on the number of quarters that this specific QuarterGene instance may represent. We then move onto the newGene() method, which was mentioned earlier, but deserves a second look.

The most important thing to note about the newGene() method is that it should return a new Gene that is setup with the same internal configuration as this Gene. The actual value of the returned Gene doesn't matter, but you'll notice that we make sure to pass on the same upper bound as our current QuarterGene instance. This is worth noting because JGAP uses this method to create new Genes for new Chromosomes, and it's important that the Genes in the new Chromosome are setup exactly the same way as the Genes in earlier Chromosomes. By invoking the newGene() method on each of the Genes in a Chromosome, JGAP can be sure that the Genes in the new Chromosome will be setup the same way each time.

Next come the setAllele() and getAllele() calls, which aren't very interesting. Values (alleles) in Genes are represented as Objects, in order to be as flexible as possible, and so we use an Integer object in our QuarterGene implementation to represent the number of quarters. Following these is the setRandomValue() method, which sets the value of our QuarterGene to a legal random value--in this case, an Integer between zero and the upper bound.

The next two methods deal with XML marshalling and are optional. (For more information on XML marshalling, please see the return new QuarterGene(getConfiguration(), m_maxNumberOfQuarters);Marshalling Populations to XML document.) We've implemented them here to provide an example. The getPersistentRepresentation() method returns a String that represents not only the current value of our QuarterGene, but also the upper bound, so that this QuarterGene can be later reconstructed with exactly the same state that it has currently. To do this, we just convert our two integer values to strings and separate them with a colon. Simple enough! The setValueFromPersistentRepresentation() method does the opposite: it takes a String representation, parses it, and then sets the internal state of this QuarterGene accordingly. If there's anything wrong with the representation, an UnsupportedRepresentationException is thrown.

The final three methods are cleanup(), which is invoked by JGAP when this Gene is no longer needed; compareTo(), which compares this QuarterGene to another one and determines which is the "greater" of the two; equals(), which compares this QuarterGene to another one and determines if they are equal; and, finally, hashCode(), which generates a hash-code. All of these should be self-explanatory. Note that it's very important to include working equals() and hashCode() methods, and not to simply rely on the default implementations in java.lang.Object.

A Note about Serialization

As mentioned in the previous section, JGAP supports marshalling and unmarshalling genetic components to/from XML. It also supports the standard Java serialization mechanism, allowing Genotypes and Chromosomes to be serialied. In order for this to work properly, two things are required of your Gene implementation: first, it must implement the interface. Second, it must declare any fields transient that are not an actual part of the Gene state. For example, if your Gene maintains a reference to the active Configuration object, then this reference must be declared transient. Ideally, your Gene implementations should simply avoid instance fields that aren't a part of the Gene state.


As can be seen from the above example, creating custom genes is an easy and straight-forward process. We hope that you'll create your own Gene implementations whenever you feel the stock genes aren't exactly what you need. And hey--if you create a custom gene that you think might be useful to others, please feel free to post it on the jgap-users mailing list so that others can benefit from your work!

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