My name is Gurleen Kaur, and I am a Software Engineering student at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. I am working on an honours project this year which is about software development practices in New Zealand and how they currently are with newer technologies. The aim of this study is to understand how software development practices have changed, if they have, in comparison to past studies and the introduction of modern technologies.
I am seeking participants who are currently working on developing software to get some information about the tools and methodologies they use. This research has been approved by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee (Research Master Application ID: 0000031593).
If this is you and are interested in participating in this study, please complete this anonymous survey through the provided link below and have a read of the participant information. If you participate in the survey, to thank you for your time, you will have the option to enter the draw to win a supermarket voucher by submitting your email address at the end of the survey or send me an email to enter! If you are interested in hearing more about the study, please contact me over email – kaurgurl@myvuw.ac.nz.
The results of the survey will be made available as a report in due course.
Thank you!