Byoung Du (B.D.) Kim,
fool, corruptor of words, man of many falsities, and student of mathematics
Email: (and add "at"
Apologies: This site used to show emails (bdkim at and bdkim at which have not been valid for a while, and I did not know about it for a long time. (Any email sent to those used to be dumped in an inbox which was legitimate but I had no access to, so the person sending an email did not know I did not receive it, and I did not know what was happening.) I apologize to anyone who has emailed to those emails, and never received a reply.
parity conjecture for elliptic curves at supersingular reduction
(2007) 47-72.
algebraic functional equation of an elliptic curve at supersingular
Research Letters
Issue 1, January 2008.
parity conjecture over totally real fields for elliptic curves at
supersingular reduction primes
Journal of Number Theory 129
(2009), no. 5, 1149-1160.
Iwasawa invariants of the plus/minus Selmer groups
Asian Journal of Mathematics 13
(2009), no. 2, 181-190.
Nonvanishing of Hecke L-functions and the Bloch–Kato conjecture (joint with Riad Masri and Tonghai Yang)
Mathematische Annalen, 349 (2011), no. 2, 301-343.
Plus/Minus Selmer Groups for Supersingular Primes
The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Volume 95 / Issue 02 / October 2013, 189-200.
Signed-Selmer groups over the Z_p^2-extension of an imaginary quadratic field
The Canadian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 66 (4), 2014, 826-843.
Two-variable p-adic L-functions of modular forms for non-ordinary primes
The Journal of Number Theory Volume 144, November 2014, 188-218.
Congruences of two-variable p-adic L-functions of congruent modular forms of different weights
Suh Hyun Choi, Byoung Du Kim
The Ramanujan Journal, May 2017, Vol. 43 (1), 163-195.
Byoung Du Kim, Jeehoon Park
Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017), 209-238
Journal of Number Theory, 183, February 2018, 352-387.
Bo-Hae Im, Byoung Du Kim
Journal of Number Theory, 195, February 2019, 23-50.
Nonvanishing of Hecke L-functions and Bloch-Kato p-Selmer groups
Iannuzzi, Byoung Du Kim, Riad Masri, Alex Mathers, Maria Ross and
Wei-Lun Tsai
Research Letters, Vol. 26 (2019) Number 4, 1145 – 1177
Effective versions of two theorems of Rado
Jason Bell, Daryl Funk, Byoung Du Kim, Dillon Mayhew
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Volume 71, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 599–618
Byoung Du Kim
Journal of Number Theory Vol. 226, September 2021, p. 168-212
Video introduction by Journal of Number Theory
Byoung Du (BD) Kim
Journal of Number Theory 228 November 2021, Pages 29-58
Daeyeol Jeon, Byoung Du Kim, and Chang Heon Kim
Journal of Number Theory 238 (2022), 396–443.
Video introduction by Journal of Number Theory
Iwasawa theory of plus/minus Selmer groups with non-co-free plus/minus local conditions.
Kim, Byoung Du
Int. J. Number Theory Vol. 20 (2024), no. 3, 747–780.
Iwasawa Theory of elliptic curves at supersingular primes over higher rank Iwasawa extensions
Kim, Byoung Du
Journal of Number Theory 271 (2025) 189-215.
Local conditions of adjoint representations with supersingular reduction, and Gorenstein Hecke algebras of higher weights
Kim, Byoung Du
To appear in Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (JTNB) (email me if you want a preprint)
If someone asks me why I do math, I will answer with this song: Shape of My Heart, Sting