Refik Ustok

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Refik Fatih Ustok recently completed a Ph.D. at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

His educational background is primarily in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, with a specific formal background in Communication Systems. He holds BSc(Hons) degree in Electrical-Electronics Engineering from Istanbul University (Turkey) and MSc degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey).

Refik worked as a research and teaching assistant at Izmir Institute of Technology between 2007 and 2011. He has previously researched Real-Time Speaker Identification using DSK 6713c as his bachelor thesis which was published on the website of The Chamber of Electrical Engineers in Turkey and also researched Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radios with Multiple Antennas as his master thesis.

His general interests are in all aspects of Mobile and Wireless Communications. He is currently working on optimization of interference alignment and cancellation for wireless communication systems under the supervision of Dr. Pawel Dmochowski and Prof. Dr. Mansoor Shafi.


  • Ustok R.F., Dmochowski P., Smith P. and Shafi M. "Interference Alignment and Cancellation with Jointly Optimized Transceivers in Multi Cellular Networks” To be submitted to Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  • Ustok R.F., Dmochowski P., Smith P. and Shafi M. "Interference Alignment with SLRINR-Based precoders for Cellular Networks” Submitted to IET Communications
  • Ustok R.F., Dmochowski P., Smith P. and Shafi M. “Cooperative Interference Alignment and Cancellation for Cellular Networks with Imperfect CCSI” IET Communications 10(5), 2016, pp: 525-533

  • Ustok R.F., Shafi M., Dmochowski P. and Smith P..”Interference Alignment with Combined Receivers for Heterogeneous Networks” Proc. Of IEEE International Conf. on Communications, 2014, pp:35-40

  • Ustok, R.F., Dmochowski P.A.,Smith P. and Shafi M. “Aligned Interference Neutralisation for 2x2x2 Interference Channel with Imperfect Channel State Information” Proc of IEEE International Conf. on Communications, 2013, pp:5230 - 5235

  • Ustok, R.F. and Ozbek, B., “Spectrum Sensing Based on Cyclostationary Feature Detection for Cognitive Radios with Multiple Antennas”, Proc. Of IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conf. , 2011, pp:550-553

  • Ustok R.F. “Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radios with Multiple Antennas” MSc Thesis, Izmir Institute of Technology, 2010

  • Ustok, R.F. and Ozbek,B., “Spectrum Sensing Based on Energy Detection for Cognitive Radio Systems with Multiple Antennas”, Proc. Of IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conf., 2009, pp: 396-399

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