Brief Python Documentation


   # anything after a hash is a comment.

Special Values:

  True,  False  # boolean values
  "....."  or '.....'  or '''.....''''  # strings (the last may include newlines)
  anything surrounded by __ and __ is a System defined name


   place = value        # assignment: put value into place 
   place, place, place = value, value, value  # multiple assignment
   global variable     # declare variable global, not local


  + - * /   ** // %     # arithmetic   ** is power, 
                        # // and % are integer division and remainder
  <  >  <=  >=          # comparison
  ==  !=      
  and, or, not          # logical 
                        # Note, 0, empty string/list/tuple are all treated as False
			#       almost everying else is treated as True


  print(val,val, ...)          # print out values - must all be strings.
                   # Special args: sep=' ' and end='\n' for  separator and end
  input("prompt")  # ask for user input and return as a string 

Built-in functions

  min(val,....), max(val,...)   # take a sequence or tuple, or multiple arguments
  abs(val), round(val) 
  float(val)  int(val)   # convert a string to a number
  str(val)            # convert a number or anything else to a string
  range(i, j)      # returns a sequence of integers from i to j-1
  random()   randint(a, b)  choice(sequence)   # requires:  from random import *


    if condition :
or (two-way) 
    if condition :
   else :
or (multi-way, with as many elif's as you want) 
   if condition :
   elif condition :
   else :


   while condition :

   for var in sequence :      # ranges are particularly useful sequences
   break         # get out of the for or while loop
   continue      # jump immediately to the next iteration

Defining Functions:

   def  name(param, param, ....) :

   return value   # returns the value

Sequences: Strings, Lists, Ranges, Tuples:

   names[i]        #  access i'th element of names
   len(names)      #  number of items in sequence
   n in names      #  true if names contains n (or a value equal to n) (substring for strings)
   for n in name : # loop to process each value in a sequence 
   names[i:j]      # the subsequence of names from i to j-1
   names.index(n)  # index of first occurrence of n in names 
   names1 + names2 # concatenate

Strings only:

   str.capitalize()  str.lower()   str.upper()
   str.split(" ")            # return list of words in string
   str.format(arg, arg, ...) # str is a format string; the arg's are substituted
                             # into the {...} in the string. The {} can contain
                             # format control codes, eg .3f for 3 decimal places


   range(start, stop) :       # sequence from start to stop-1
   range(stop) :              # sequence from 0 to stop-1
   range(start, stop, step) : # sequence from start by step up to stop

Lists only:

   names = []               # empty list
   names = ["john", "james", "jeremy", "justin"]
   names[i] = "julia"       # replace the i'th value by "julia"
   del names[i]             # remove the ith element
   names1.append("julia")   # add "julia" at the end of the list
   names.extend(names2)     # add every item in names2 to the end of the list
   names.insert(i, "julia") # insert "julia" at position i, moving later items up
   names.remove("julia")    # remove the first occurrence of "julia" from the list


   flower = (x, y, 10)      # a tuple of three values "stuck together"
    flower[1]               # access elements like any sequence "
    # can't modify a tuple once constructed

Graphical Output:

    from tkinter import *     # make everything in the tkinter module available.
    window = Tk()
    canvas = Canvas(window, width=450, height=300, bg="white")
    canvas.create_rectangle(left, top, right, bottom,
                            fill="orange", outline="black")
    canvas.create_oval(left, top, right, bottom, fill="red")
    canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., fill="red")
    canvas.create_text(x, y, text="the message")
    canvas.create_image(left, top, image=PhotoImage(file="image.gif"))

Turtle graphics

Allows drawing on a window with "turtles" (like logo, and Scratch sprites).
    import turtle    
    window = turtle.Screen()         # make a window for the turtles to draw on
    ben = turtle.Turtle()            # make a turtle
    ben.forward(20)                  # move it forward
    ben.left(45)                     # turn it 45 degrees to the left
    ben.penup()                      # lift the pen up
Some of the functions on turtles:
    forward(d), backward(d), right(d), left(d), setposition(x, y), setheading(d)
    pendown(), penup(), pensize(s), pencolor(c), shape(s)
Some of the functions on the screen:
    clear()                       # clear the screen
    delay(time)                        # set the delay between actions
    turtles()                          # returns the current list of turtles
    textinput(prompt) numinput(prompt) # dialog boxes to get string or number input
    onkey(function, key)               # make the function be called when the key (a string) is pressed

Event Input

    moveButton = Button(window, text="Move", command=doMove)   # A button that calls doMove 

    label = Label(window, text="Name: ")

    name = Entry(window)                            # Text entry box that user can type in 
    name.get()					    # get the current string out of the entry box 

    canvas.bind("<Button-1>", mousepress)     # name of function to call 
    canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", mouserelease)
    def mousepress(event):
        pressX = event.x
        pressY = event.y


  open("file name", mode='r' )     # open a file, mode is 'r' for reading, 'w'
                                   # for writing new 'a' for appending 
  file.write(string)               # write a string to a file
  print(values file=file)          # write out values to a file, 
  file.readline()                  # read one line from file as a string                     # read n characters from file as a string

Classes and Objects

When defining a new class of object, you need do Note that all the functions (including the constructor) must have a first parameter called self, which will contain the object itself.
Fields of the object can be accessed using self.fieldname
    class Eye() :            # define a new class of objects

       # define the constructor for making new objects of this class 
       def __init__(self, x, y, colr) :
          self.size = 10          #give an initial value to the size field
          self.colour = colr      #store the colr in the colour field 
	  self.x = x            #store the position in the x and y fields 
	  self.y = x
       def move(self, stepX, stepY) :   #define a move method that changes object on a canvas
          self.x = self.x + stepX
          self.y = self.y + stepY

       def grow(self) :           #define a grow method that makes the object bigger
          self.size = self.size + 10

       def draw(self, canvas) :   #define a draw method that draws the object on a canvas
          wd = self.size
	  ht = wd/2
          rad = self.size/4
	  smallrad = rad/2
          canvas.create_oval(self.x-wd, self.y-ht, self.x+wd, self.y+ht, fill=self.colour)
          canvas.create_oval(self.x-rad, self.y-rad, self.x+rad, self.y+rad, fill="black")

    #Elsewhere in program, create two objects and draw them:
    first = Eye(100, 100, "green")
    secnd  = Eye(200, 100, "red")
    for i in range(20)
        secnd.move(20, 50)