The game

Also known as "Ro-Sham-Bo".

Brutal summary of our work

Space stabilizes the dynamics: without the spatial structure only one species can survive long-term, but when interactions are spatial (as in these movies), all three species co-exist.
In any rock-scissors-paper system, the slowest (sickest?!) species is the least likely to go extinct. A species' share of the resources (space) always increases if it gets slower.

See Ed Abraham's demo here( if you're using e.g. Firefox and see a big red cross, it's because you don't have java installed).

watch out: these are monster files (35 megabytes or so) !!!
  • rsp1.avi - one of the three species is much faster than the other two, but it gets a smaller share of the poulation.

  • rsp2.avi - two species are fast and one is slow. Despite this the slow one (blue) makes up around half the total population. x


Rock-scissors-paper and the survival of the weakest.
Frean, M.R. and Abraham,E. (2001)
Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Series B. 268, (1474), 1323-1328.

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