from sage.matroids.advanced import * #Potentially faster than sage.matroids.advanced.get_nonisomorphic_matroids() def _get_nonisomorphic_matroids(matroids): return {MatroidIsomorphismClass(m) : m for m in matroids}.values() class MatroidIsomorphismClass: def __init__(self, matroid): if isinstance(matroid, BasisMatroid): self.matroid = matroid else: self.matroid = BasisMatroid(matroid) def __eq__(self, other): return self.matroid.is_isomorphic(other.matroid) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.matroid.is_isomorphic(other.matroid) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.matroid._bases_invariant()) #a catalog of matroids, stored on disk, keyed by isomorphism class. class MICCatalog: def __init__(self, directory, bug_workaround=True): = directory self.bug_workaround = bug_workaround #load the Mayhew-Royle 9-element matroid catalog, specified as a file def setup_MR_catalog(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: curr_matroids = {} curr_rank = 0 curr_corank = 0 for line in f.readlines(): [number,content]=line.strip().split('\t') matroid = self._convert_MR_string_to_matroid(content) #save as we go (so don't need to keep too many in memory) if matroid.full_rank() != curr_rank or matroid.full_corank() != curr_corank: save(curr_matroids, + "/" + self._get_filename(curr_rank, curr_corank)) curr_matroids = {} curr_rank = matroid.full_rank() curr_corank = matroid.full_corank() matroidId = int(number) curr_matroids[matroidId] = matroid #final save save(curr_matroids, + "/" + self._get_filename(curr_rank, curr_corank)) #saving MICs is slow -- it is quicker to rebuild them. def _load(self, filename): #we call .bases() on each matroid, as a bug workaround # (I believe the bug has been corrected in a recent version) pairs_iter = load(filename).iteritems() return {MatroidIsomorphismClass(matroid) : key for (key, matroid) in pairs_iter if matroid.bases() != None} def _get_filename(self, rk, cork): n = rk + cork return "mic_dicts" +str(n)+ "_" + str(rk) + ".sobj" #return the value stored for the given matroid isomorphism class # for the Mayhew-Royle 9-element matroid catalog, this is the ID. def lookup(self, matroid): rank = matroid.full_rank() corank = matroid.full_corank() dicts = self._load_mic_dicts_rc(rank, corank) return dicts[MatroidIsomorphismClass(matroid)] def _from_id(self, idnumber, filename): with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): [number,content]=line.strip().split('\t') if int(number) == idnumber: return self._convert_MR_string_to_matroid(content) return None #return the matroid with the given rank, corank, and "value" #(for the Mayhew-Royle 9-element matroid catalog, the "value" is the ID). def get(self, rk, corank, idnumber): for (k, v) in self._load_mic_dicts_rc(rk, corank).items(): if v == idnumber: return k.matroid #return the matroids of the given rank and corank, having one of the given "value"s #(for the Mayhew-Royle 9-element matroid catalog, the "value" is the ID). def get_all(self, rk, corank, idnumbers): idnumbers_set = set(idnumbers) result_dict = {} for (k, v) in self._load_mic_dicts_rc(rk, corank).items(): if v in idnumbers_set: result_dict[v] = k.matroid return [result_dict.get(idnum) for idnum in idnumbers] def lookup_list(self, matroids): result_map = {} keys = set() for mat in matroids: keys.add((mat.full_rank(), mat.full_corank())) for (r,c) in keys: dicts = self._load_mic_dicts_rc(r, c) for i,mat in enumerate(matroids): if mat.full_rank() == r and mat.full_corank() == c: result_map[i] = dicts[MatroidIsomorphismClass(mat)] return [result_map[i] for i in sorted(result_map)] def _convert_MR_string_to_matroid(self, content): v = content.split(' ') n = int(v[0]) r = int(v[1]) nb = int(v[2]) bases_list = v[3:] e_string = "" for i in range(n): e_string = e_string + str(i) bs_strings = [] for bs in bases_list: bs = bs.strip("'") bs_strings.append(bs) m = Matroid(groundset=e_string, bases=bs_strings) assert m.full_rank() == r and len(m.bases()) == nb return m def _load_mic_dicts_rc(self, rk, cork): filename = self._get_filename(rk, cork) if filename in os.listdir( matroids_rc = self._load( + "/" + filename) else: matroids_rc = {} if self.bug_workaround: for mic in matroids_rc.keys(): _ = mic.matroid.bases() return matroids_rc