Faisal Zaman

Faisal Zaman profile picture

PhD Student
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Thesis Info

Research Interests: Mixed Reality, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Visualization
Thesis Title: Mixed Reality Collaboration based Immersive Analytics System
Supervisor: A/Prof Taehyun Rhee, Dr Craig Anslow


Research Interests

Mixed Reality, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Visualization


I am a Ph.D. student at the Victoria University of Wellington working with A/Prof Taehyun Rhee and Dr Craig Anslow in the Augmented Virtual Teleportation (AVT). My main area of research is human-computer interaction (HCI).

My research aims to solve problems users encounter when using AR/VR system. I am trying to achieve this goal by designing new interaction techniques.

More details on my website.
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MohdZaman.jpgjpg MohdZaman.jpg manage 188 K 27 May 2021 - 16:25 Main.zamanfais