Isabella Pimentel Pincelli

Isabella Pimentel Pincelli profile picture

PhD Student
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Thesis Info

Research Interests: Sustainable energy systems, Lifecycle assessment, Embodied GHG emission, System dynamics, Circular economy
Thesis Title: Integrating material cycles in low-carbon energy transition analyses for Aotearoa - New Zealand
Supervisor: Dr. James Hinkley, Prof Alan Brent


Research Interests

My research is based on sustainability, low-carbon energy pathways, and circular economy. I have a strong interest in analyzing complex systems. Understanding the dynamic interactions of energy and material systems during a low-carbon energy transition including the effects of lifecycle CO2 emissions might support comprehensive solutions for climate change mitigation strategies. In my PhD research, I am analysing how to integrate material cycles and lifecycle emissions of low-carbon energy strategies for New Zealand.  


Pincelli, I. P., Hinkley, J., Brent, A. (2024). Carbon, materials and energy footprint of a utility-scale solar plant in Aotearoa New Zealand. Solar Energy, v273, 112535.

Pincelli, I. P., de Castilhos Junior, A. B., Matias, M. S., Rutkowski, E. W. (2021). Post-consumer plastic packaging waste flow analysis for Brazil: The challenges moving towards a circular economy. Waste management, v126, p.781-790.

Pincelli, I. P., Meireles, S., de Castilhos Junior, A. B. (2019). Socio-productive Inclusion of Waste Pickers on Segregated Solid Waste Collection in Brazilian Universities as an Instrument for Sustainability Promotion. Sustainability on University Campuses: Learning, Skills Building and Best Practices.

Main.GraduateForm edit

ResearchAreas Sustainable energy systems, Lifecycle assessment, Embodied GHG emission, System dynamics, Circular economy
ThesisTitle Integrating material cycles in low-carbon energy transition analyses for Aotearoa - New Zealand
Supervisor Dr. James Hinkley, Prof Alan Brent
Qualifications MSs in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil; BSc in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
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Topic revision: 18 Apr 2024, pimentisab