Alexander Telfar

Alexander Telfar profile picture

PhD Student
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Thesis Info

Research Interests: Learning, controls, computation
Thesis Title: Model-based reinforcement learning
Supervisor: Will Browne


Research Interests

I love the idea of understanding the "limits of intelligence". Our limits, the limits of computers and the limits of the universe. What is computationally/physically possible given a set of resources?

Some problems are easy to solve, yet others are just fundamentally hard (like planning a road trip - travelling salesman problem, see P vs NP). I am curious about what computational (or cognitive, if you like) structures/functions are required to efficiently solve everyday problems and to understand the world around us.

If an agent is given access to a memory buffer, can certain problems be solved more efficiently than others? An answer to this would hint at the advantage an animal would have in evolving (working) memory.

Main.GraduateForm edit

ResearchAreas Learning, controls, computation
ThesisTitle Model-based reinforcement learning
Supervisor Will Browne
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Topic revision: 07 Oct 2018, mark